Originally posted by Patchou
I don't have the source code anymore as I sold it a couple of years ago now but the binaries are still there!
I came here because I wanted to please you to make a standalone application (actually you could make one without the source too).
Nowadays if you are not on Facebook then you aren't exist, even while Facebook chat has a really little white box to type in, while with WLM you could have a chat window in fullscreen (and in a different window, not in a browser window). Okay, there is the Facebook Messenger, but I think it will never become a software that can send sounds, colored text (!), gradient text (it requires a script/plugin, but it's possible in Plus!), set the background of the chat window, have these cool emoticons.

(I never found better icons, I don't know I like these), have plugins, themes and soundpacks, quick texts, custom emoticons...
That's what I can list now what WLM with Messenger Plus! could do...