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Plus! Plugin = Trojan? [mess.be]
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O.P. Plus! Plugin = Trojan? [mess.be]
Originally posted by mess.be
dwergs says:
  A so-called Plus! plugin with the filename "SWMPplugin.exe" and supposed to add sounds to your MSN Messenger, is in fact a disguise for a rather old trojan called Backdoor.Prorat. This was reported by the Plus! fansite Messenger Plus! Zone. [Reported by: soccer5sg & OmarC]

I would like to add that -while this is the first time it comes in the form of a Plus! plugin- this is a very common issue with downloads in general and therefor, it's got nothing to do with Patchou's excellent software nor its "lack" of security. I've seen many MSN Messenger addons and clients (sure, even "MSN Messenger 7.0") on p2p networks (like KaZaA) and dubious sites, which were nothing more than worms and trojans. If you need something MSN Messenger related, simply point your browser to Mess.be and search our trustworthy downloads.

We did however get a lot of reports lately regarding CE/DP Stealer. Norton Antivirus (and ONLY Norton) has classified this addon as a Trojan Horse, so if you have NAV installed it will trigger a virus alert. But we do have all reason to believe this is not the case. Sherv, the programmer himself, assured us: "There is 200% no trojan in CE/DP Stealer 1.4.5, there is no msbb.exe or any DLL by that name, there is no adware, absolutely NOTHING but the program".

Maybe it was just the unluckily chosen name which reminded Norton of the dreadful password "stealers" for MSN Messenger. Maybe it exploits our privacy by stealing images from everyone (and their contracts) using the same PC for chatting. Maybe it reads cached user information Microsoft doesn't want to be found. Maybe it violates copyright laws by stealing a display picture "artistically created" by an individual. These are all speculations, but after the investigation I decided to re-enabled the download again. Just don't freak out when your get a virus alert on Norton ;)

i hope this problems sorted out on the forums... and the developer sees whats coming to him :P

either way, im glad it was found before i tested it... im a big plugin tester :P
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06-15-2004 01:49 AM
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RE: Plus! Plugin = Trojan? [mess.be]
i saw the news on neowin the other day.
i don't use a whole lot of plugins, but at the moment they are all really f****d up, cos i have about 6 plugins or so that i installed, but only 4 shiow up on the plugins list:S
[Image: blah!.gif]Got nothing else to say[Image: chrongue.gif]
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06-15-2004 03:05 AM
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RE: Plus! Plugin = Trojan? [mess.be]
Once again, a suggestion to everybody: the less you talk about it, the less it will be distributed. This topic will be closed for that reason.
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06-15-2004 03:55 AM
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