Promote ONE in your signature |
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O.P. Promote ONE in your signature
You've seen the ONE ad's, now you can promote them on your websites and in your signature. is now hosting for the month of July ONE banners and information. Visit the site to learn more about how you can promote the ONE Campeign.
This is not meant as spam, its meant to raise awareness.
This post was edited on 07-05-2005 at 12:18 AM by Dane.
07-04-2005 10:50 PM |
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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
for good cause
07-04-2005 11:17 PM |
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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
there are banners at for websites... i had them in my sig for a period...
... hey.. my avatar caption still supports
I think the G8 conference is this week... I'm hopin' things go the way they really SHOULD..
07-04-2005 11:27 PM |
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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
My attempt:
Attachment: one.png (4.2 KB)
This file has been downloaded 366 time(s).
Spoiler: the game.
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07-05-2005 01:55 AM |
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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
but but but.. I was so proud of my new siggie/avatar set
Ah.. who cares? its for a good cause, of course I'll support it
*lp15 clicks on the link
07-05-2005 02:31 AM |
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Chromo :wink:
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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
I'm sorry, but I kinda think this is dumb. I don't want anyone bitching at me please.
I just mean.. poverty will always exist. Aslong as there are people who think money is very important and they gotta be rich (and there will always be some), poverty will always exist. Look at all the money the governments put into military stuff. Buying guns, buying bombs.. and what good does it do? That money could be used to give water to countries that don't have any, food to the REAL poor, shelter to the homeless. I don't believe this campaign will help much. Poverty will always exist. It might be hard to hear, but it's only fact.
You know what? I think it's your fault (who ever is reading). Just look at what you buy. A lot is useless. Look at all the money you put in computer parts, or how much you consume that could be given to poor people. Look at your house, if it's big. WHY is it big? It's useless. All the money you spend for your own enjoyment or because you've been told is a good thing to do (buying jewlery because its nice.. come on.. how useless can that get).. it could all be given to the poor. They have NOTHING while you live like happy mother --------------. I can't say I'm not the same, because of course I am. (I eat a lot, a can't really live without a comp, etc.) But at least I know it. I hate money.. I don't want it, I don't think it does anything good for us. I only use it because I have to. That's how we live in these countries. Gotta buy food, gotta buy clothes, gotta buy stuff.. But at least I don't exagerate with it. I don't buy an expensive car just because it's fast and "beautiful", I take the city bus or I walk. I don't even want a car. Anyways... just saying, one campaign won't do shit all.. Everyone needs to change their way of living to see changes in this cruel world. But some people are selfish. Some people don't care.. some people wouldn't make sacrifices to help others. And that's why nothing will ever change. The world is dying people.. Maybe the poor are dying of famin, but we are dying ourselves. We are dying from global warming, we are dying from all the stupid things we caused... and we are dying in our minds, being controlled by media, by the government. People don't even act for themselves.. they see something on TV, and it's an "in" so they want it.. what's the point? Nothing.. its "kewl". Heh... right. Look at what the government is doing also. It steals your money so they can enjoy themselves.. you know how much they are paid to sit on their asses looking at the poor die? Lots.. lots that could be used to help a part of their own people. Look at the homeless people. They get PUSHED away so tourists can come and not be frightenned by them.. WTF? government wants money huh... how about they helped those homeless people and maybe they wouldnt even have to pay security and police to push them off..
There are poor people everywhere and there will always be. Maybe a campaign helps a certain place in the world but there's another poor place somewhere else..
Anyways... I think I made my point.
oh forgot to say: THINK ABOUT IT.
This post was edited on 07-05-2005 at 08:13 AM by wacky.
07-05-2005 05:05 AM |
The dodgiest member
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RE: RE: Promote ONE in your signature
wacky - you did make your point, and i agree. it's everybody's fault up to a certain point that this world is such a shitty place. but it's not your or my fault that we were born here and not in a third world country. we just were luckier than some... you know?
and since we are luckier, there's a pressure on us to help those who are in need. sometimes its frustrating, cuz what the hell is the point... there are poor everywhere and no matter what we do there will always be poor people.
it's not like three people can save the world, and rid it of poverty... even if everybody pitched in, the world would still need saving. ... but some people can be saved and given the help they need to survive.. maybe a small family, maybe just some kid.. but still
raising awareness helps out. sure we all buy a ton of stuff we don't need. most of the stuff i have is not neccessary to keep me alive or something.. but since i was made aware of the poor people in my own and other countries i put away a bit of money everyday, that i would usually spend on junk food or something... if everybody did that, we could save a few people's lives.
anyway, i agree because its shitty that we are told to do something that doesn't seem to make sense, cuz it won't even have a big impact... but in the end it does have an impact, even if it is a little one.
kinda related but not really -> it's kind of sad to see canada looking far out towards the third world countries, and spending so much money on them, when they don't even take care of the homeless of their own. supposedly they do... but if you could just look around my downtown you'd see the reality. And i mean... it's not like they have millons of people here to save, just a couple of families ..
07-05-2005 05:46 AM |
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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
i have to agree with wacky here. Putting a signature somewhere doesnt help the needy. They will be the same as usual. People waste money on stupid fucking campeigns when there are people who really need it. Do you think this campeign is made with no money, fuck that. People get paid for doing this and they think they care, they dont, they only want their pay check. And poverty will always excist, it may get better or it may get worse, but it will not disappear! You dont have to use their made signatures to show that you care, you know better if you care or not, with or without the signature. What do you think this signature is going to do, slap money on poor people's asses? NO, it will become a paycheck whoever came up with this. Poverty is like nature -- you can make it better, but you cant lose it. If we make it better by donating a lot of money to the needy, then its never going to be enough, prices will go up and money will run out because the poor people dont have education and without education you will not get a job. If you think i dont care then i do care, but there is nothing i can do about it, just hope things will get better and goverment will open their eyes. I know there is a solution to all this, but we just havent found it yet
Now dont bitch about what i just said because it is my opinion
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07-05-2005 05:55 AM |
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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
I hate these billion destroy poverty campaigns. I don't not care about people suffering, but I think things like this are stupid. Even comunism didn't solve any nations problems. Making a person see the word ONE stare at them all day wont help anybody. The costs of hosting these signatures could be put to a better cause.
Nothing aimed at you, Dane, you are just letting us know we can use the images.
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This is Bunny. Copy Bunny into your signature to help him on his way to world domination
07-05-2005 06:15 AM |
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RE: Promote ONE in your signature
pffft..i looked around the website and realized it was a complete u know how much money they spent on that hire all of those actors get them togehter and make a tape out of it and host it..make wristbands...t-shirts..pfff wtf..what the hell does that mean that you need our voice and not our is our voice gonna help?! what have they done with my voice so far? just make "inspirational" this thing just pisses me off..stupid move..stupid move....
You're still breathing? Why?
Get off the cross, the wood is needed.
07-05-2005 06:25 AM |
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