I asked about this problem in the IRC channel already, so instead of typing it all out I'm just going to copy-and-paste that text.
<GagnierA> well I have my own computer that no one else uses (of course), so I wanted to take the passwords off of my chat logs because there was no use for them anymore....but when I went to take the password off, it said the password I had typed was incorrect but I knew that I had to be correct because it's the same password I use for almost everything....so I went ahead with the "decryption" and now I can't open any of my chat logs
<GagnierA> is there anyway I can salvage or fix this?
<GagnierA> this has happened to me before, but I ended up deleting all my logs instead of asking for help....so instead of doing that, I want to keep them this time
<Jaguar> well there is no way of salvaging them if it tells you that the password is incorrect, sorry mate
<GagnierA> there must be some kind of way....I have almost a year of chats saved up and alot of those chats have valueable information in them that I need to refer to from time to time
<GagnierA> this is horrible
<Jaguar> as far as i know, and im quite sure, there is no way. but maybe if you stick around here someone else might know a way. but im still pretty sure that there is no way
<GagnierA> is there anyway that I could send this to Patchou? he might have a solution
<GagnierA> this is extremely important
<Jaguar> yes, by posting it on the forums
<Jaguar> shoutbox.menthix.net
<GagnierA> alright
thanks man, I'll try that out
<Jaguar> you're welcome
As mentioned in the text above, this is extremely important....so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks alot in advance