Originally posted by raceprouk
Most of the time you need the full name to the file.
Unless you execute the program from within the same folder as where the file is, you always need the give the full path.
Originally posted by raceprouk
As for writing the username and password, use comma-separated values (or maybe the pipe | character).
It depends on how you're going to read the file. If you use the "Input" command, then you must seperate the fields with a comma. If you use the "Line Input" command (which reads a whole line instead until the next delimeter), it doesn't matter what you use to seperate it as long as you use that same seperator in your code when you extract the parts you need from it (Matty's code) or use it to build up your comparisson string (my alternative code).
Originally posted by Reaper66613
ok i got a few problems, when i type guest, qwerty in the file it doesnt login in.
Not because you entered something wrong in the file or read it out wrongly (aka the reading routine). It is because you didn't handle it correctly higher-up in your code. See my notes below about your code...
Originally posted by Reaper66613
when i put just guest in the file, i get the error: Run-time error "62"
Input past end of file.
when i click debug, the line Input #1, strUsername, strPassword is highlighted. when i put my mouse over strUsername, it ses strUsername = "guest" but when i do it over strPassword it says strPassword""
Because there was 1 field missing in the file.
Originally posted by Reaper66613
also the pipe character doesnt work
That doesn't work when you use "
Input #1, Variable1, Variable2". If you use that then you need 2 fields in the file. A pipe symbol doesn't qualify as a delimeter, only a comma does (when reading field by field).
If you wanna use a pipe symbol you need to read the whole line at once with "
Line Input #1, Variable". In fact instead of a pipe symbol you can use whatever character you like (or none at all for that matter) as the line is interpreted as a whole, not as seperate fields...
Originally posted by brian
How do you mean doesn't work, what you are supposed to do is:
It didn't work because he is using "
Input", and not "
Line Input".
Originally posted by brian
make a file with "guest|qwerty" in it
open the file, loop through it, split each LINE with |.
each line will have a user/pass, so you choose the line/user you need and get its pass, then check.
Much to complicated (not to mention slow string and/or array manipulations). You don't need to split anything and then check each fields individually. See my alternative code.
Originally posted by Matty
Heres an example for you.
It contains a big bad
You forgot to close your file when a match is found
Reaper66613, about your posted Form code:
1) Since you used "
Input #1, strUsername, strPassword", login.txt needs to contain:
2) You need to adapt many other parts of the example code to let it work eventually. What people have provided for you in this thread here is the base for checking a file with some login info: the basic open file and checking for some matches. You need to adapt the example source from VB to incooperate that. Aka adapt the cmdOK_Click() routine because at the moment the file login.txt is simply read out when you load the form and checked against empty strings as you don't have anything entered yet in the textboxes (because the form isn't shown yet).
The code provided in this thread does not go into the Form_Load procedure but must be incooperated into cmdOK_Click()...
Dim strUsername, strPassword As String
is the same as
Dim strUsername As Variant
Dim strPassword As String
and not, as intended, as
Dim strUsername As String
Dim strPassword As String
Never declare variables on one line, unless you state for each individual one the proper data type. strUsername is declared "As Variant" because there is no explicit data type given.
Alternative on Matty's code (use/copy this Command1_Click() procedure over Matty's example code. It is not meant to be put in your Form, Reaper66613)
Note that this doesn't use any heavy string manipulations, nor splits or whatever (and it does close the file when a match is found
Also note that the login.txt file is expected to be in the following format:
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim strPath As String
Dim strText As String
Dim strMatchSearch As String
Dim blnMatchFound As Boolean
strMatchSearch = txtUsername.Text & "|" & txtPassword.Text
blnMatchFound = False
strPath = App.Path
If Right(strPath, 1) <> "\" Then strPath = strPath & "\"
Open strPath & "text.txt" For Input As #1
Do Until EOF(1) Or blnMatchFound
Line Input #1, strText
If strMatchSearch = strText Then blnMatchFound = True
Close #1
If blnMatchFound Then
MsgBox "Username/Pass match"
MsgBox "Username/Pass not found"
End If
End Sub
Help on
MSDN Library (=official help files, which explain in full detail each command of VB) about:
Input #1
Line Input #1
For the 2 examples (one based on Matty's approach (project2), as listed above. The other the full working source of the VB example (project3)) see attached zip -------vv