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2 votes - 3 average   Enjoy these Interesting Facts
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O.P. Enjoy these Interesting Facts
The odds of being killed by falling out of bed are one in two million.

Dirty Snow melts faster then regular snow.

Mosquitoes are attracted to the color blue twice as much as any other color.

Antarctica has an area code. It’s 672.

It is possible to see a rainbow at night!

Only 1% of bacteria cause disease.

Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.

There are more telephones than people in Washington.

Ants don’t sleep.

The dot over the letter 'i' is called a tittle.

Frogs sometimes eat enough fireflies that they themselves glow.

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada has the most bars per capita than anywhere else in the world.

The first Ford cars had Dodge Engines.

China has more English speakers than the United States.

Months that begin on a Sunday will always have a 'Friday the 13th'.

The speed of a typical raindrop is 7 miles per hour.

There is a city called Rome on every continent.

A spider's silk is stronger than steel.

Some lions mate over 50 times a day. (lucky!!  )

There are more fatal car accidents in July than any other month.

When a person dies, hearing is generally the last sense to go.

6% of men propose over the telephone! (LMAO)

More than 20 million meteoroids enter Earth's atmosphere every day.

The Atlantic Ocean is saltier than the Pacific Ocean.

More people are killed by donkeys annually than are killed in plane crashes.   

Every three seconds, a new baby is born.

Coconuts kill more people in the world than sharks do. Approximately 150 people are killed each year by coconuts.

Ancient Egyptians slept on pillows made of stone.

Pearls melt in vinegar.

Originally, BMW was an airplane engine manufacturer.

Rats can't vomit, that's why rat poison works.

Terminator 2 cost $647,000 per minute of film to make.

160 cars can drive side by side on the Monumental Axis in Brazil, the world's widest road. 

If you attempted to count all the stars in a galaxy at a rate of one every second it would take around 3,000 years to count them all. 

Less than 3% of Nestle's sales are for chocolate.

The average person will spend 2 weeks over their lifetime waiting for the traffic light to change. 

More than 2,500 left handed people are killed every year from using right handed products. (im left handed  )

The most common name in the world is Mohammed.

You share your birthday with at least 9 million other people in the world.

It is estimated that at any one time, 0.7% of the world's population are drunk.

One thing that humans do more than anything in their entire life is sleep. Most Americans sleep more than 6-8 hours a day, which is on average around 24 years of ones life!   

The number of cars on the planet is increasing 3 times faster than the population growth.

The average human eats 8 spiders in their lifetime at night. (its true, sometimes alot of ppl sleep with their mouths open lol, and im sure spiders crawled in there and we ate them, pretending to be eating a burger or sometihng in our dreams  )

The average woman consumes 6 pounds of lipstick in her lifetime.

There are 1 million ants for every person in the world.

Termites eat through wood 2 times faster when listening to rock music.

The Apollo 11 only had 20 seconds of fuel when it landed.

13 people are killed each year by vending machine's.

314 Americans had buttock lift surgery in 1994. 

If we had the same mortality rate now as in 1900, more than half the people in the world today would not be alive.

There are more than 1,000 chemicals in a cup of coffee.

The average human produces 25,000 quarts of spit in a lifetime, enough to fill two swimming pools.

If you gave each human on earth an equal portion of dry land, including the uninhabitable areas, everyone would get roughly 100 square feet (30.4 m).

The average person makes about 1,140 telephone calls each year.

In a century's time, Islam had converted 1/3 of the world.

The world record for rocking non-stop in a rocking chair is 440 hours.

Americans on the average eat 18 acres of pizza everyday.

Right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left handed people.     

You blink over 10,000,000 times a year.

If the population of China walked past you in single file, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.

The earth weighs around 6,588,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, tons.

The average person has over 1,460 dreams a year.

The average person laughs 15 times a day.

The average person spends about 2 years on the phone in a lifetime.

In chess, there are 169,518,829,100,544,000,000,000,000,000 ways to play the first ten moves.

Canada is an Indian word meaning "Big Village".

The longest place name still in use, which is 85 letters long, is 


which is a name of a hill in New Zealand.

The world's longest game of Monopoly lasted more than 660 hours.

The shortest war in history was between Zanzibar an England in 1896. Zanzibar surrendered after 38 minutes

The longest word in the English language is 1,913 letters long and it refers to a distinct part of DNA.

wierd shit eh :D
[Image: jaursicice.png]
09-23-2005 03:48 AM
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RE: Enjoy these Interesting Facts

Originally posted by Jurassic_Ice

A spider's silk is stronger than steel.
in relation to it's thickness it's the strongest fibre in the world

Originally posted by Jurassic_Ice

Ancient Egyptians slept on pillows made of stone.
just fyi, they weren't 'pillows' they were headrest things, you'd hafta see a picture but they didn't resemble pillows in the slightest. EDIT: found a pic:

[Image: egyptian6headrest7si.th.jpg]

the ancient egyptians were one of the most amazing and interesting cultures ever, i've studied them since i was like 8 years old.

Originally posted by Jurassic_Ice

Pearls melt in vinegar.
they would seeing as though vinegar is an acid :P

Originally posted by Jurassic_Ice

One thing that humans do more than anything in their entire life is sleep. Most Americans sleep more than 6-8 hours a day, which is on average around 24 years of ones life!
that makes sense seeing as though you sleep for approx. 8 hours every night (recommended), that's 1/3 of a day, so if you live for 90 years you've spelt for about 30 yrs (DAMN US LAZY HUMANS!!)

Originally posted by Jurassic_Ice

If you gave each human on earth an equal portion of dry land, including the uninhabitable areas, everyone would get roughly 100 square feet (30.4 m).
and yet much of the world is 'over populated'

Originally posted by Jurassic_Ice

The earth weighs around 6,588,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000, tons.
try weighing that on the bathroom scales!!

Originally posted by Jurassic_Ice

The average person has over 1,460 dreams a year.
people have a dream almost every 30 minutes while sleeping, although we dont remember the majority of them, only the ones just before we wake up usually. also did u know that you are paralyzed whilst you are dreamin (sleep walking is a disorder :P)

This post was edited on 09-23-2005 at 04:09 AM by lordy.
09-23-2005 04:02 AM
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O.P. RE: Enjoy these Interesting Facts
really? i didnt know that, some days i think i dont have dreams...lol but its rare that i wake up and remember them.
[Image: jaursicice.png]
09-23-2005 04:03 AM
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RE: Enjoy these Interesting Facts
by any chance did you get these facts from your school planner?

i think they are called 'offbeat oddities'

im curious.
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09-23-2005 04:07 AM
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RE: Enjoy these Interesting Facts
you also sometimes see in these things 'a duck;s quack doesn't echo and no1 knows why' but that's a load of crap, saw it on mythbusters :D
09-23-2005 04:10 AM
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RE: Enjoy these Interesting Facts
Originally posted by lordy16
    quote:Originally posted by Jurassic_Ice

    If you gave each human on earth an equal portion of dry land, including the uninhabitable areas, everyone would get roughly 100 square feet (30.4 m).

and yet much of the world is 'over populated'

Well you have to factor in that more then 50% of the earth is water, and last time I checked we couldnt breathe underwater :happy: [I took that you were being sarcastic about that, Its hard to tell]

This post was edited on 09-23-2005 at 04:29 AM by dotNorma.
09-23-2005 04:28 AM
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RE: Enjoy these Interesting Facts
Originally posted by .Norma
Originally posted by lordy16
    quote:Originally posted by Jurassic_Ice

    If you gave each human on earth an equal portion of dry land, including the uninhabitable areas, everyone would get roughly 100 square feet (30.4 m).

and yet much of the world is 'over populated'

Well you have to factor in that more then 50% of the earth is water, and last time I checked we couldnt breathe underwater :happy: [I took that you were being sarcastic about that, Its hard to tell]

The fact also says dry land :p

But obviously, not all of that is inhabitable, and plus you have to think about crops and stuff like that.

This post was edited on 09-23-2005 at 04:42 AM by ddunk.
09-23-2005 04:40 AM
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RE: Enjoy these Interesting Facts
that was alot of reading but  now i know.
[Image: bar9sk.jpg]
09-23-2005 04:52 AM
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RE: Enjoy these Interesting Facts
Originally posted by Ddunk
Originally posted by .Norma
Originally posted by lordy16
    quote:Originally posted by Jurassic_Ice

    If you gave each human on earth an equal portion of dry land, including the uninhabitable areas, everyone would get roughly 100 square feet (30.4 m).

and yet much of the world is 'over populated'

Well you have to factor in that more then 50% of the earth is water, and last time I checked we couldnt breathe underwater :happy: [I took that you were being sarcastic about that, Its hard to tell]

The fact also says dry land :p

But obviously, not all of that is inhabitable, and plus you have to think about crops and stuff like that.

Sorry about that, I misread. :happy:

But in that case, you still have to factor in alot of the land made for corporations/businesses/stores and roadways.
09-23-2005 04:57 AM
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RE: Enjoy these Interesting Facts
Originally posted by Jurassic_Ice
The odds of being killed by falling out of bed are one in two million.
Prolly I'm being stupid, but how do they count the probability?
Originally posted by lordy16
you also sometimes see in these things 'a duck;s quack doesn't echo and no1 knows why' but that's a load of crap, saw it on mythbusters :D
So a duck's quack does echo? lol
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09-23-2005 06:21 AM
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