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Chat Encryption
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O.P. Chat Encryption
I'd like to know if there is a reliable plug that can encrypt chat contents atm?
10-14-2005 02:26 AM
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RE: Chat Encryption
is this what you want?

10-14-2005 04:04 AM
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O.P. RE: Chat Encryption
no, i was talking about smth that encrypts messages while they are being sent through msn servers. As you might be aware that all chats are actually loged by msn.
10-14-2005 05:06 AM
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RE: Chat Encryption
Originally posted by s7a5
no, i was talking about smth that encrypts messages while they are being sent through msn servers. As you might be aware that all chats are actually loged by msn.

No, we are not. Could you elaborate and show source of this information?
10-14-2005 06:36 AM
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RE: Chat Encryption
Here is another post about it and it has a link to another post http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=43713&pid=450152. I think it should be added though. Most other messengers has a addon that lets you do it. Messenger discovery use to have it but does not now. Here is other programs that will do it IMsecure, Encrypted Messenger, SimpLite.

Of course everything is logged. Why do you think on 911 the fbi went to aol msn etc... Remember when comcast got sued cause they were tracking  their customers. The question is why would msn pick out one certain person out of the millions of people on msn messenger to snoop on.  That will not happen unless your doing something really bad. What you should be worried about if you are gonna worry is what them encryption programs sites say

from SimpLite
" Did you know your messages are sent over the Internet in cleartext form?"

from Encrypted Messenger
"Why should I encrypt my instant messagaes?
Because they are sent from you to the other chatter in plain text. This means anyone on the internet between you and them can (if they so desire) read your instant message conversation.".

If you look in security forums or messenger forums when they talk about messenger encryption they all will tell you it is very easy to look at what someone is saying on any messenger not just msn. Like I said most messenger aim, yahoo, icq has a plugin or program meant just for that program for encryption so you do not have to use the 3 programs I listed. Msn is the only messenger I have fount that does not have this.

Here is something I fount using a google search http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=97906. Do a google search and a google group search to for microsoft logs msn messenger conversations and see what comes up. Doo not know if it is true but look at what  a0011010011 said on http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=97906. I suppose you could always email them or if  you their number call and ask.
10-14-2005 06:36 AM
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RE: RE: Chat Encryption
Originally posted by s7a5
As you might be aware that all chats are actually loged by msn.
That's complete BS, chats are not logged!

1) If they would do that it would be a MAJOR privacy invasion and is absolutely illegal todo without reasons.

2) If they would do that without reasons they will get sued like nobody has ever been sued before.

3) Where on earth will they find enough space to store every possible chat you think?

Originally posted by dreaded
from SimpLite
" Did you know your messages are sent over the Internet in cleartext form?"
duuuh... Almost everything you send over the net and other services is in some cleartext form.
Did you know your emails are sent unecrypted?
Did you know your requests to download a webpage is sent unencrypted?
Did you know you text messages on your phone are sent unencrypted?
Did you know your phone conversations are send unencrypted?

Such one-liners do nothing more then making people unnnessecairly paranoid.

Originally posted by dreaded
from Encrypted Messenger
"Why should I encrypt my instant messagaes?
Because they are sent from you to the other chatter in plain text. This means anyone on the internet between you and them can (if they so desire) read your instant message conversation.".
Yes in a way this is right, but this is a so vague description of what happens that this seriously can't be taken as how it actually is. Of course people read this literally without the proper knowledge and so an urban is created.

You can't simply snif and tap of a connection between person A and person B. That's totally impossible, unless you are on the same network. Those who _could_ do it are ISP's and those who have access to these highly restrictive servers.

And don't think some lonely geek working at an ISP fills his days with reading and logging the billions of lines passing thru the servers each hour.

Logging traffic like this is absolutely illegal, unless the feds have got a very good reasons to do so. This is exactly the same as the phone-tap issue.

Also, why on earth do they want to log your conversations? Of the 6 billion people on earth and of all the people communicating with each other in a certain way, there is only a extremely small fraction which actually use these communication lines to do malicious stuff.

Do you do any malicious stuff? Why on earth would you want your chats encrypted?
"Oh noes!!!111!!! I don't want the feds to know about my chat between me and my girlfriend.... "
"I don't want them to know I've cheated on my school test"


The only good reason you want the chats to be encrypted is if you are on a local network. But even then, people can't simply tap on lines just like that. There is always some security. Eg: cybercafe's use such local networks, but be assure that the guy on the computer next to you isn't able to tap on your line though. Even then, there are far more easier ways he he wants to spy on you. Ways which any encryption program can't do nothing about it...

Originally posted by dreaded
If you look in security forums or messenger forums when they talk about messenger encryption they all will tell you it is very easy to look at what someone is saying on any messenger not just msn.
Yeah, they all will tell you... but nobody is able to show me any concrete example of how to do it... In most cases, they all tell you that because it is mostly popular to tell you that and making people paranoid.

Those who actually are able to do such stuff are very rare and will actually also tell you that it is only possible in local networks and that most local networks are heavly secured and that you need serious hacking knowledge to first brake in into lines and etc...

Originally posted by dreaded
Like I said most messenger aim, yahoo, icq has a plugin or program meant just for that program for encryption so you do not have to use the 3 programs I listed. Msn is the only messenger I have fount that does not have this.

The programs you listed are compatible MSN Messenger (at least i know IMSecure is).


Anyways, if you want encryption, fine... but don't bring in "msn logs chats" and "feds know what I'm doing" as that is totally out of context, untrue and are simply urban myths...

This post was edited on 10-14-2005 at 10:36 AM by CookieRevised.
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10-14-2005 10:18 AM
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RE: Chat Encryption
They do. Email them and ask yourself.
10-14-2005 11:47 AM
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O.P. RE: Chat Encryption
personally i'm sure that they log ip adresses, times in and times out, and it doesn't exclude the possibility that they log conversations as well. They use this information against crime and terrorism, however my intentions are different, I just don't like the idea that somewhere someone is storing my chat logs.

This post was edited on 10-14-2005 at 02:43 PM by s7a5.
10-14-2005 02:37 PM
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RE: Chat Encryption
Originally posted by s7a5
I just don't like the idea that somewhere someone is storing my chat logs.
What about the person talking to you? He/she may store your logs. Personally I don't think you should worry about this. You're too paranoid.

I still remember a guy got up me because I was logging our convo. He said it was illegal and was against the MSNM Terms of Use. He was hilarious. Still makes me laugh when I read over the log. He reminds me of you.
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10-14-2005 02:52 PM
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RE: Chat Encryption
They do log ip addresses, times in and out. Every site etc.. has some sort of logging. Even this forum logs ip addresses. Even your isp does it. How do you think riaa, mpaa etc.. bust you. And with the patriot act they dont have to give reasons for anything. They get your ip and call your isp and ask what times was ip xxxx was on and who did the ip belong. Like I said comcast got sued for tacking their customers. I am sure after awhile they trash the data. I never said if they did or didnt log your conversations. CookieRevised was so eager to prove me wrong that CookieRevised didnt read what I said and what them sites said. Usually when someone is so fast to prove someone wrong either they dont know or they hiding something. You could email them or use that link that was given here http://channel9.msdn.com/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=97906 and call them. http://privacy1.msn.com/fullnotice.armx is the link. When it come to terrorism and something criminal you can beat they can and  probably would record everything you say on messenger and even in chatrooms. And I dont like the idea of msn or anyone else besides me and the people I talk knowing what I said to someone else. Only thing you can do is change messenger that has encryption built in like aim, or get program like I mentioned. And for your email use pgp or gpg.
10-14-2005 03:17 PM
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