Originally posted by traxor
I'm not sure that you can do this unfortunately, I made a thread about this a few years back (sic: you mean months
), and all the results I got were no. Then Cookie had one way of doing it, but it wouldn't work very well, because the person would need to download something, which is doubtful they will... It would be best to use one of the default fonts, or wherever you want the font, use an image.
CookieRevised's reply to Custom Font (HTML/Stylesheet),
CookieRevised's reply to Custom Font (HTML/Stylesheet).
I indeed do not recommend using other fonts than the default ones! This for many reasons, but the main reasons are:
1) the user must download and install the font in order to view it (in some cases this can be done almost automatically, but not all browsers support that).
2) You never know how the font will be seen on the user's screen.
3) Readability is almost always much worse compared to the default fonts. It might look nice at first sight, but when the user needs to read actual text and/or read for more than 5 minutes, it can be really annoying for them.
4) It totally goes against all guidelines of building a website for general use.
Originally posted by Ddunk
Because IE doesn't support PNGs very well
It does support PNG, only it doesn't support alpha transparency.
Originally posted by Ddunk
if you save in GIF it should be fine.
not really...
GIF doesn't support alpha transparency either, only PNG does.
And MSIE does support single channel transparancy in PNG's.
So in other words, do not use GIFs as you would not only cut down on the alpha transparency, you also must cut down on total amount of colors. Thus you gain nothing by using GIFs, on the contrary you will loose more than if you stayed with PNGs (but with single channel transparency)...
Originally posted by DragonX
I have a font called "Dark Crystal"
I so want that font! PM me please