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O.P. RE: RE: php shoutbox help
No spaces
quote: Originally posted by Absorbation
can we view your page sorce + the shoutbox source please? ![:)](images/smilies/msn_happy.gif)
code: <?php
header ( 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8' );
ob_start ( );
// User defined settings. 1 = enable/allow, 0 = disable/disallow
// Admin password, change it!!
$sb_admin_password = '****************';
// URL to access the shoutbox. Ex: or
$sb_url = '';
// Order of shouts on the page: 1 for newest shouts to oldest, 0 for oldest to newest
$sb_shouts_order = 1;
// Enable basic checkings to make sure your server can run the shoutbox
$sb_checking = 1;
// Shouts to display per page. 0 for all on one page
$sb_perpage = 10;
// Max characters allowed in poster's name
$sb_max_name_length = 40;
// max characters allowed in poster's message
$sb_max_message_length = 1000;
// The date format, not very important
$sb_date_format = 'm/d/y h:i A';
// timezone different, enter positive or negative HOURS. Enter 0 for no difference
$sb_time_zone = 0;
// spam protection timeout (user will not be able to post again in X seconds)
$sb_spam_timeout = 15;
// insert line breaks for looooooooooooonnnnnnnngggggggg words over this many characters
$sb_wordwrap_length = 90;
// Enable or disable tracking of users reading the shoutbox.
$sb_users_online = 1;
// Timeout in seconds before user is considered OFFLINE(from the shoutbox)
$sb_users_timout = 30;
// Bad word filter, "bitch" will be replaced with "*****"
$sb_language_filter = 1;
// Bad words. Just seperate them words with a command like so: "bad,word,hehe,yes,very,naughty".
//Try not to leave any spaces in between the words, like this: "bad, words, suck, yeah , i know".
$sb_bad_words = 'bitch,fuck,shit,faggot,dick,asshole,gay,nigger,jew';
// Allow BB code
$sb_allow_bb = 1;
// Allow IMG tags with BB codes.
$sb_allow_img_tags = 0;
// Allow smilies parsing. Turns into the smilie image.
$sb_allow_smilies = 1;
// URL to the folder of smilies.
// Add trailing slash at the end, meaning "" is wrong, "" is correct!
$sb_smilies_url = 'smilies/';
// Smilies table, if you have disabled smilies, then don't worry about this.
// Look carefully and follow the pattern. The format is:
// 'smilie text' => 'smilie icon',
$sb_smilies = array
( // Edit in here, don't delete this parenthesis --------------------------------------
' ' => 'smile.gif',
' ' => 'frown.gif',
' ' => 'biggrin.gif',
'=D' => 'biggrin.gif',
' ' => 'wink.gif',
' ' => 'rolleyes.gif',
' ' => 'cool.gif',
' ' => 'cool.gif',
':tard:' => 'tard.gif',
':mad:' => 'mad.gif',
' ' => 'eek.gif',
':eek:' => 'eek.gif',
':confused:' => 'confused.gif',
'b7' => 'dancebaconsmall.gif',
' ' => 'google.gif',
' ' => 'lol.gif',
); // don't delete this parenthesis and semicolon------------------------
// Avoid variable conflicts. Chances are there will be none but you never know.
define ( 'G_ACTION', 'act' );
define ( 'G_TASK', 'task' );
define ( 'G_PAGE', 'pagenumber' );
define ( 'G_MESSAGE', 'message' );
define ( 'G_SHOUTID', 'shoutid' );
define ( 'G_HIGHLIGHT', 'highlight' );
define ( 'G_BACKURL', 'redir' );
define ( 'G_QUERY', 'query' );
define ( 'P_NAME', 'name' );
define ( 'P_MESSAGE', 'message' );
define ( 'P_URL', 'url' );
define ( 'P_PRIVATE', 'private' );
define ( 'P_EMAIL', 'email' );
define ( 'P_REMEMBER', 'remember' );
define ( 'P_ADMIN_PW', 'shoutbox_admin_pw' );
define ( 'P_TIMEOUT', 'timeout' );
define ( 'P_SHOUTS', 'shouts' );
define ( 'P_FORM_TASK', 'task' );
define ( 'P_IP_ADDR', 'ip_address' );
define ( 'P_QUERY', 'query' );
define ( 'C_NAME', 'shoutbox_name' );
define ( 'C_URL', 'shoutbox_url' );
define ( 'C_EMAIL', 'shoutbox_email' );
define ( 'C_ADMIN_PW', 'shoutbox_admin_pw' );
define ( 'C_LAST_POST', 'shoutbox_lastpost' );
// Not much to change in here, (24)
define ( 'E_NONAME', 1 );
define ( 'E_LONGNAME', 2 );
define ( 'E_NOMSG', 3 );
define ( 'E_LONGMSG', 4 );
define ( 'E_BAD_PW', 5 );
define ( 'E_NO_MSG', 6 );
define ( 'E_INVALID', 10 );
define ( 'E_NO_SELECTED', 11 );
define ( 'E_NOTFOUND', 15 );
define ( 'E_INVALID_IP', 22 );
define ( 'E_NOQUERY', 23 );
define ( 'M_LOGGED_OUT', 7 );
define ( 'M_DEL_FAILED', 8 );
define ( 'M_DEL_SUCCESS', 9 );
define ( 'M_EDITED', 13 );
define ( 'M_NOTEDITED', 14 );
define ( 'M_BLOCKED', 19 );
define ( 'M_IP_BLKD', 20 );
define ( 'M_IP_UNBLKD', 21 );
define ( 'M_SPAM', 24 );
define ( 'SHOUTBOX', 'yes' );
define ( 'SHOUTS_DIR', 'shouts' );
define ( 'ONLINE_FILE', 'online.dat' );
define ( 'BLOCKED_FILE', 'blocked_ips.dat' );
// Output messages. Change if you want.
$sb_language = array (
E_NONAME => 'You need a name.',
E_LONGNAME => 'Your name is longer than ' . $sb_max_name_length . ' characters.',
E_NOMSG => 'You need something to say.',
E_LONGMSG => 'Your message is longer than ' . $sb_max_message_length . ' characters.',
E_BAD_PW => 'Incorrect password. Try again.',
E_NO_MSG => 'No message to display',
E_INVALID => 'Invalid action.',
E_NO_SELECTED => 'You did not select any shout.',
E_NOTFOUND => 'That shout does not exist.',
E_INVALID_IP => 'That IP address is invalid. IP addresses look like',
E_NOQUERY => 'You did not specify a search term or your one of the terms is shorter than 3 characters.',
M_BLOCKED => 'You have been blocked from posting on this shoutbox by the Administrator.',
M_LOGGED_OUT => 'You have been logged out. You will be taken to the shoutbox.',
M_DEL_SUCCESS => 'Shouts successfully deleted.',
M_DEL_FAILED => 'Unable to delete shout(s).',
M_EDITED => 'Shout successfully edited.',
M_NOTEDITED => 'An error has occured while editing. The shout ID was invalid therefore the shout could not be found.',
M_IP_BLKD => 'IP was blocked.',
M_IP_UNBLKD => 'IP was unblocked.',
M_SPAM => 'Please wait ' . $sb_spam_timeout . ' seconds before making another post.',
// Nothing to edit down here, save this file and you are done!
$sb_old_magic_quotes = get_magic_quotes_runtime( );
set_magic_quotes_runtime( 0 );
function timer ( $start = 0, $digits = 8 )
list ( $m, $s ) = explode ( ' ', microtime ( ) );
return round ( (double)$s + (double)$m - $start, $digits );
$sb_timer_start = timer ( );
// Get some variables
$sb_root = str_replace ( 'shoutbox.php', '', __FILE__ );
// Load some files
if ( !file_exists ( $sb_root . 'shoutbox.functions.php' ) )
print 'Could not find "shoutbox.functions.php" in "' . $sb_root . '"';
require ( $sb_root . 'shoutbox.functions.php' );
// Clean GPC
$_GET2 = get_magic_quotes_gpc ( ) ? stripslashes_gpc ( $_GET ) : $_GET;
$_POST2 = get_magic_quotes_gpc ( ) ? stripslashes_gpc ( $_POST ) : $_POST;
$_COOKIE2 = get_magic_quotes_gpc ( ) ? stripslashes_gpc ( $_COOKIE ) : $_COOKIE;
// Do some checking before starting
if ( $sb_checking && ini_get ( 'safe_mode' ) )
print 'Safe mode is on. To ignore this and continue, change checking to 0';
if ( !file_exists ( $sb_root . SHOUTS_DIR ) )
print "The 'shouts' directory does not exists in '$sb_root'";
if ( !is_writeable ( $sb_root . SHOUTS_DIR ) )
print "The 'shouts' directory (" . $sb_root . SHOUTS_DIR .") is not writeable. <a href=\"\">CHMOD</a> it to 0666/0755/0755.";
if ( $sb_users_online )
if ( !file_exists ( $sb_root . ONLINE_FILE ) )
print 'The users file does not exists. You cannot track users online. Create an emtpy file called "' . ONLINE_FILE . '" inside the directory "' . $sb_root . '" and CHMOD it to 0666.';
if ( !is_writeable ( $sb_root . ONLINE_FILE ) )
print 'The users online file "' . $sb_root . ONLINE_FILE . '" is not writeable. CHMOD it to 0666 or 0777.';
if ( !file_exists ( $sb_root . BLOCKED_FILE ) )
print 'The blocked ip file does not exists. Create an emtpy file called "' . BLOCKED_FILE . '" inside the directory "' . $sb_root . '" and CHMOD it to 0666.';
if ( !is_writeable ( $sb_root . BLOCKED_FILE ) )
print 'The blocked ip file "' . $sb_root . BLOCKED_FILE . '" is not writeable. CHMOD it to 0666 or 0777.';
// Is there a header?
print file_exists ( $sb_root . 'shoutbox_header.htm' ) ? get_template ( $sb_root . 'shoutbox_header.htm' ) : '';
// Load in action file
$sb_action = isset ( $_GET2[G_ACTION] ) ? $_GET2[G_ACTION] : 'Default' ;
switch ( $sb_action )
case 'help': require ( $sb_root . '' ); break;
case 'admin':
require ( $sb_root . 'shoutbox.admin.php' );
case 'add': require ( $sb_root . 'shoutbox.add.php' ); break;
case 'search': require ( $sb_root . '' ); break;
case 'stats': require ( $sb_root . 'shoutbox.stats.php' ); break;
case 'showmsg':
$sb_back_url = isset ( $_GET2[G_BACKURL] ) ? $_GET2[G_BACKURL] : ( isset ( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : $sb_url );
header ( 'Refresh: 2;URL=' . $sb_back_url );
$sb_message = isset ( $_GET2[G_MESSAGE] ) ? $_GET2[G_MESSAGE] : 0;
$sb_output = isset ( $sb_language[$sb_message] ) ? $sb_language[$sb_message] : $sb_language[E_NO_MSG];
print get_template ( $sb_root . 'shoutbox_message.htm', array ( 'message' => $sb_output, 'back_url' => $sb_back_url ) );
require ( $sb_root . 'shoutbox.default.php' );
// Is there a footer?
print file_exists ( $sb_root . 'shoutbox_footer.htm' ) ? get_template ( $sb_root . 'shoutbox_footer.htm', array ( 'timer' => timer ( $sb_timer_start, 4 ) ) ) : '';
set_magic_quotes_runtime( $sb_old_magic_quotes );
ob_end_flush ( );
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This post was edited on 12-08-2005 at 08:31 PM by Supersonicdarky.