Originally posted by ValSpy
Hey guys,
.... i think i have some kinda dodgy virus
well i havent expericanced iy my sis has and she says over the speakers theres advertising of depertion, and other mental shit...... said the website like depertionhurts.com dont do go i havent test.... and now i hear it...... i have done a system scan cuze that will take too long. anyone know what this is?
OK i looked on the virus lists and I cannot seem to find it and I also looked on the recent virus lists ,nothing there either..the website is simply a window to a search site.. unless spelling is incorrect??
Your sister should do a Scan and post results..also update her virus definitions before the scan.
Originally posted by ValSpy
i have done a system scan cuze that will take too long.
I'm not to clear ,I'm not sure if you made a typo here because that doesnt make sense...so" you have done a system scan but it will take too long?"
in other words you havent done a full system scan?..