Posts: 4460 Reputation: 84
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Joined: Dec 2004
O.P. Soldat - Cool Game!
I came across this game a few days ago and I think it's great so I thought i'd share it with you all
quote: Soldat is a unique side-view multiplayer action game. It takes the best from games like Liero, Worms, Quake and Counter-Strike and gives you fast action gameplay with tons of blood and flesh. Soldiers fight against each other on 2D battle arenas using a deadly military arsenal. This is what multiplayer was invented for.
Posts: 4460 Reputation: 84
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Joined: Dec 2004
O.P. RE: Soldat - Cool Game!
quote:Originally posted by damm-o
currently downloading... what you use to play? the laptop mouse doesnt help much when playing games
quote:Originally posted by WiLbUrG
Pretty neat game! I used to play it with my friend because he has a crappy laptop... So it's a good laptop online game.
Havn't used it with a laptop so no idea, sorry. I'd reccomend buying a cheap mouse.