Hey, I need to go to bed really soon...in like 30 seconds so let me go fast.
What programs can make my computer look cooler?
Like a side bar. Those are cool.
Konfabulator (Widgets)
Change boot screen....change logon screen
Can you list programs like that?
Recently my pc looks dull
and I dont want my desktop cluttered again (whats that prog that makes like a menu positioned somewhere on my desktops with tabs with different progs in the list?)
Basically...well you know what I mean. Programs to make my computer look cooler.
Links would be good also so I would not have to google the prog to find their site,
You can get themes from Themexp (note they come with some stupid screensaver, i just find the theme i want and google for a different download location)
Then use Style Xp to apply them.. but there are many other ways and sites, windows blinds etc.
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RE: Programs to 'pimp' up my pc :P
Bah, balls to styleXP.
Use custom Visual Styles (made by yourself or others). You will need to unlock your uxtheme.dll file to use visual styles that haven't been digitally signed by Microsoft. I recomend using UXTheme Multi-Patcher (Neowin Edition).