Originally posted by blaCkjaCk
Scripts are replacing Plugins 
Not quite...
The scripting
engine replaces the plugin
engine. You can still use old plugins or make new plugins as long as there is a wrapper script which calls them.
Originally posted by Absorbation
Nope, they have to be re coded.
Not always, it highly depends on how they were coded in the first place and/or what they exactly do (or don't).
Originally posted by Absorbation
Well at least hooking on messenger will. 
Plugins don't hook into messenger. At least 99% of them don't. Those who have their own hooks in messenger probably do it in such a way that nothing must be changed at all.
If you mean by "hooking" the Messenger object that gets passed to the Initialize() function when a plugin is started, then yes, the object passed to the Initialize() function in scripts isn't the same as the one in plugins. But even that could be supported in some way I suppose when you create your wrapper script for the old plugin.
Originally posted by Absorbation
Anything using Messenger Plus! e.g commands will not work. 
It will work just fine.
Scripts are the new way of coding "
plugins". But this does not mean that scripts replace old style plugins. Old style plugins can still be used (and depending on how they are coded, you don't need to change a lot... in fact some don't need a change at all). Though you always will need a wrapper script which acts like a translator between Plus!Live and your old plugin.