O.P. 1 Bug and 1 suggestion
hi all, new here though i've been using msg plus for awhile, and damn its hella great, anyways, i have a bug which is minor, but a lil annoying,
whenever i open a new contact window, the bottom bar at the window will say "Last message received at xx:xx" depending on what time the window was opened, even though the contact hasn't said anything, any idea what's causing this? (I'm using MESS patch too so it might be aproblem on their side)
and i recently started using the tabbed conversation window function, it's pretty neat and i was wondering if patchou could add shortcuts so that you could switch between tabs, like in IRC where alt+1 shows the first convo, alt+2 shows the 2nd and so on.
so far alt+ number only does a bunch of random actions similar to /me on irc or /em in some other programs (cough ffxi cough)