RE: can someone remove clicks from my old mp3
I experimented a bit with various filters and wave editors.
Though the click is so "unclear" that it is very hard (impossible?) to remove it by applying filters. With "unclear" I do not mean not audible, but "not a clear and pure" click; it is woven within the music to strongly.
The only way I could remove the clicks is by painstakingly removing the actuall frames it occurs in. But this means removing many frames because the click isn't pure but actually builds up and fades down again with an echo.
Though I'm talking here about milliseconds, the removing of those frames is probably audible to the rithmic trained ear.
Also, because it is an MP3 you work with compressed samples, editing them and then compressing them again to MP3 seriously reduces quality if you roughly want to have the same filesize.
Don't compressing it again to MP3 means having a file of several tens of megabytes big (+25MB).
I didn't removed all of the click-frames (it is just too painstaking) but removing them all would also mean the length will be significantly shorter, although we were talking about millisecs per click; there are just too many clicks.
A very rough cut down of the first 5 seconds (not really paying attention and not editing at millisecond level) is attached.
If you really want it done, get a good wave editor (Nero's wave editor should be sufficient when using it at a very maginfied sound wave resolution), magnify the wave and listen extremely carefully to each frame, millisecond by millisecond and only remove as little as possible. It will probably take hours and hours (thus I'm not going to do it, sorry)...
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This post was edited on 05-22-2006 at 09:31 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.