ok u kno this color fader thing?? i can use it like for messages n stuff.. but i donno how i shud use it for my msn name/username like i want that to b faded too...u guys kno how?? cause on the description it says 'for messages and nicks' but it doesnt tell u how u cud fade it for the nicks...
if neone helps ill b really glad n thnkfull cause m trying to figure this out for a long time n i cant! PLZ HELP!
Do you mean the one you use for the signatures? What plus version do you have? I dont recall being able to use that for msn names, how ever wait till someone else replys. Guys dont flame me for posting this! read this-- http://shoutbox.menthix.net/showthread.php?tid=55508
This post was edited on 05-30-2006 at 12:21 AM by Steven.
oh man... i read that.... but like i want it to b on my msn name like u know.. m usin msn.7.5 and like i want my username to b faded in colours .. it even says u cud do tht but now howw... PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE I DONT GET ITT
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Ok... like you fade messages in a conversation, but put /nick before it. Whatever you put after /nick will be your new nickname. You can include faded colors in it. Then press 'send' of course.
That's as simple as I can put it.
Attachment:nickname.PNG (2.98 KB) This file has been downloaded 218 time(s). This post was edited on 05-30-2006 at 12:30 AM by Chris4.
ok so chris dude.. so like i put /nick and blabla for jus like a regular coloured username.... but i want it to b FADEEEDDD so sint there any other code tht shud b added?