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(coding) a php cms
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formerly methos

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O.P. (coding) a php cms
i've been looking into creating my own cms.... i've looked at a few premade ones, like cutenews and one absorbation made and sent, but for one reason or another, they just don't seem to work or suit my needs... i wanted to code my own content management system, i call it this rather than a 'blogging system' because it is precisley not a blogger and is only for managing content, although i do want a commenting system.
I want to code a system that will add posts to different areas of my site dependant on a catagory i specify it as.... for example...

i have three types of 'news'... 1st type: "news", 2nd type:"recent_deviations", 3rd type: "fav_deviations".

from this, i would want to be able to define the three areas in which my news would appear, using different includes for different catagories... something like

and then using the following where i wanted another catagory to show....

and then ontop of that maybe using templates even to define what the different news would appear as, ie, for the news i would want the title and actual news to come beneath as well as the time it was posted and by whom, but then problem would occur when i wanted to update my "recent_deviations" and i only wanted the content to show, which would simply be a link to a recent deviation rather than a title, when it was posted etc etc.

It all sounds very complicated and no tutorials i've seen go anywhere near as complicated as this, which is what i need... And after all, i've limited to no php knowledge.... So, does either anyone have a link to a good site that could explain how i could code this (not just php.net :dodgy:), or could anyone teach me?? Failing that, anyone know of a good cms that could handle all of this? And i mean a cms, one that does all that i have explained? Thanks for any help you can give... :happy:
formerly methos
06-21-2006 08:49 PM
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RE: (coding) a php cms
It seems you are trying to completely reproduce cutenews...:S
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06-21-2006 08:52 PM
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RE: (coding) a php cms
Well... CuteNews (u've tried it) can be very editable, especially with some php coding. I use it.
When it comes to makeing your own CMS, it's not done in a second. For a safe stable, u'll need lots of time to accomplish this. :)
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06-21-2006 08:53 PM
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formerly methos

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O.P. RE: (coding) a php cms
Originally posted by .Lou
It seems you are trying to completely reproduce cutenews...:S
meh, maybe, ive not gone that far into cutenews, i ran into problems when running it and it doesnt work and the cutenews forum sucks at helping, so i decided to code my own, that way i'll get an idea of what my code is actually doing and actually help myself in the future....

Originally posted by Nitrolinken
Well... CuteNews (u've tried it) can be very editable, especially with some php coding. I use it.
When it comes to makeing your own CMS, it's not done in a second. For a safe stable, u'll need lots of time to accomplish this. :)
as for the time.... i've just finsihed my exams here in the UK... i've got 2 months of boredom to kill.... i'm thinking of randomly biking down to shropshire for a couple of days i'm that bored... this would be a more than constructive use of my time i think...

well, does anyone have a starting point atleast?? Maybe a simple system i could code and then further add the to code as i learn more to make the system better... humm...

EDIT: fixed some typos

This post was edited on 06-21-2006 at 08:58 PM by stoshrocket.
formerly methos
06-21-2006 08:57 PM
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RE: (coding) a php cms
U could take a starting point with a guesbook. Then edit it from being look-a-like guestbook to a, well... cms?
That should be quite simple, but do u want to use database or flat-files?
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06-21-2006 09:01 PM
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formerly methos

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O.P. RE: (coding) a php cms
Originally posted by Nitrolinken
U could take a starting point with a guesbook. Then edit it from being look-a-like guestbook to a, well... cms?
That should be quite simple, but do u want to use database or flat-files?
well... i'd prefer to use flat text files to be honest... but either way... im saving up for hosting which comes with 80 mySQL databases so.... :tongue:

EDIT: but im not too sure what you mean 'look alike guestbook' :S how does that relate to a cms??? :S

This post was edited on 06-21-2006 at 09:03 PM by stoshrocket.
formerly methos
06-21-2006 09:02 PM
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RE: (coding) a php cms
Originally posted by methos
Originally posted by Nitrolinken
U could take a starting point with a guesbook. Then edit it from being look-a-like guestbook to a, well... cms?
That should be quite simple, but do u want to use database or flat-files?
well... i'd prefer to use flat text files to be honest... but either way... im saving up for hosting which comes with 80 mySQL databases so.... :tongue:

EDIT: but im not too sure what you mean 'look alike guestbook' :S how does that relate to a cms??? :S
well, I have guestbook system which has login, etc...
By switching u would have a sort of publish tool, but u would also be able to change the posts. also with smilies. Just to change some few (hehe) lines, ad u have a publisher with the same features lika guestbook. Only that the guests can't sign it. But, that wouldn't be a comment system. :)
It could be a very startpoint of a CMS.
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06-21-2006 09:07 PM
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formerly methos

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O.P. RE: (coding) a php cms
oh cool.... meh, i'll toy with that idea and create my own guestbook... what about tuts for like just creating a simple cms... anyone got any links to any good ones??
formerly methos
06-21-2006 09:40 PM
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RE: (coding) a php cms
WordPress? but that's more kind of blogger... hmm... still cutenews, if u don't get it working, I could give u a hand. :)
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06-22-2006 04:50 PM
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RE: (coding) a php cms
Creating a news system is a great way to learn php. I highly suggest mysql and not text files, which is what you want. But give hmaster a call he has a very ncie system, and I bet he will give you a clean version to use if you ask nicely (he uses .txt files) :P.
06-22-2006 04:52 PM
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