Originally posted by upsfeup
I would suggest to add a "trusted" remote account or somekind of password access. Otherwise your friends could start to mess with your computer. You would arrive home and have 400 notepads opened! 
Oh I agree completely! There is a lot of potential in the Plus Scripting engine for remotely controlling Messenger and the computer, but if not set up securely, it could be very bad. I just threw that together really quickly to illustrate that is could be done very simply.
Simple Security: Have your alternative account always have the same nickname. Check if(origin == "myOtherAccountsNick") before doing anything else. This is also quite insecure though, as anyone can change their nickname to whatever they want.
More secure would be getting the list of contacts in the ChatWnd, and checking that the specified contact is present & that the message came from their nickname. This would still be as insecure as the first option if you are in a group chat with your two accounts, but this is probably quite rare.
I don't plan on using this at all yet, I haven't come up with any cicumstances where it is useful to me. But it is certainly possible, and certainly could be useful.
And as far as passwords go - You probably don't want them sitting in a conversation window at your home computer all day, while you are at school or work.