Please don't double post, it is against the rules... be patient, this isn't chat channel. Not every thread will be read immediatly and not every question can be answered by everyone... eventually someone will reply to your question though...
^^ see... I reply now 

anyways, to cut
the my crap...
What you ask for can only be done by altering the internal code of Messenger. In other words, it must be patched (which is illegal todo btw if you do it on the exe file).
The only program I know of which certainly can do this is StuffPlug. But there isn't a version available yet for WLM. You also may to try to search for the "MessPatch" on or the "A-Patch" (threads can be found on this forum). Maybe one of them has this feature also; though if one of them has it, it would probably be MessPatch.
The guy, TheBlasphemer, who first "discovered" how to disable this auto-showing of the emoticons, is the author of StuffPlug and he is also one of the people who provide stuff for MessPatch...
Because he is the one who first discovered this, I'm not going to give you the exact locations and bytes to change for WLM; that's up to TheBlasphemer, sorry... If I did publish them many people would simply copy them and TheBlasphamer would loose an unique function in his StuffPlug.
So in short: to do this, you must use StuffPlug (of which a version for Windows Live Messenger doesn't exist yet) or MessPatch (if this patch program has that feature as I'm not sure about that)...