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Extreme amount of warning messages when putting pw on multiple logs with pw already
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O.P. Extreme amount of warning messages when putting pw on multiple logs with pw already

If you try to put a password on multiple logs, and they already have a password, you get a warning message for each. In my case, that meant 50 warning messages, and I had to wait half a second + my reaction delay for each before I could close the settings panel. Not the worst waiting time, and it's not directly a bug, but very annoying - please make it only one warning message although it concerns multiple logs.
06-28-2006 05:34 PM
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RE: Extreme amount of warning messages when putting pw on multiple logs with pw already
can you tell me exactly what actions you're doing and what's the exact warning message you get? :) thanks.
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06-29-2006 05:38 AM
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O.P. RE: Extreme amount of warning messages when putting pw on multiple logs with pw alrea
OK, man.

It goes like this:

[Image: 01.png]
1. I entered preferences.

[Image: 02.png]
2. I entered the conversations tab.

[Image: 03.png]
3. I entered the log encryption section.

[Image: 04.png]
4. I typed a password and clicked the change passwords button.

[Image: 05.png]
5. I typed the same password again and pressed OK.

[Image: 06.png]
6. I selected all my log files and clicked open.

[Image: 07.png]
7. Warning message for the first address in my selection list.

[Image: 08.png]
8. Warning message for the second address in my selection list.

[Image: 09.png]
9. Warning message for the third address in my selection list.

[Image: 10.png]
10. Warning message for the fourth address in my selection list.

[Image: 11.png]
11. Warning message for the fifth address in my selection list.

...and so on until the end of the list, then:

[Image: 12.png]
12. Warning message confirming that nothing has been done.

So I maybe thought it would be good if you could kind of gather all the warning messages for all your contacts' log files into one?

(BTW, I'd hope I'd be able to safe my existing password protected logs even more :P -- isn't that possible?)
06-29-2006 11:30 AM
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RE: Extreme amount of warning messages when putting pw on multiple logs with pw alrea
wow, that's what I call a detailed description (Y)..

Originally posted by Dommedagsprofet
So I maybe thought it would be good if you could kind of gather all the warning messages for all your contacts' log files into one?
The stuff which happens (the multiple messageboxes) happens also in Windows and many many programs. It is rather logical though...

But, this can be "fixed", and some Windows functions also do this (I also do this in the Sound Library Fixer):

When the user holds down SHIFT while pressing the OK button, the user also confirms all the next messageboxes for the same kind of message if they should occur.

This behaviour is actually standard in Windows with dialogs like the overwrite file yes/no dialog... unfortunalty it is not a widely known function of such dialogs in Windows (this could again be "fixed" by adding a note to the text in the message box like: "hold shift when pressing ok to confirm all same messages." of course).

A global fix where all of the same messages are bundled in one isn't good as people actually might to know/read the individual messages.

MHO and suggestion to Patchou

This post was edited on 06-29-2006 at 12:22 PM by CookieRevised.
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06-29-2006 11:38 AM
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O.P. RE: Extreme amount of warning messages when putting pw on multiple logs with pw alrea
Wow. :O

I really did not know that. And I who thought I knew my dear friend Windows sooo well. :P That changes my opinion a bit, yes. I agree that this behaviour should be kept "Windows-style", and I liked your idea about maybe a little note saying that it's possible using shift.

... but wait, while testing it, it didn't work. What did I do wrong? Shift + Left Click on OK on one of the boxes, right? It still appears more...

(Why isn't there a better documentation for Windows covering all the important keyboard shortcuts and similar? Clicking away with the mouse all day is pretty ineffective... :P)
06-29-2006 11:46 AM
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RE: Extreme amount of warning messages when putting pw on multiple logs with pw alrea
Originally posted by Dommedagsprofet
... but wait, while testing it, it didn't work. What did I do wrong? Shift + Left Click on OK on one of the boxes, right? It still appears more...
Because what I said was a suggestion for a possible way to implement it with these messageboxes. It isn't done yet ;)

Originally posted by Dommedagsprofet
(Why isn't there a better documentation for Windows covering all the important keyboard shortcuts and similar? Clicking away with the mouse all day is pretty ineffective... :P)
it is available though, search the net and it is also explained in many official documents from Microsoft ;) But still... it is indeed a not wide known behaviour of dialogs like the "overwrite file" one.

This post was edited on 06-29-2006 at 12:23 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
06-29-2006 12:21 PM
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O.P. RE: Extreme amount of warning messages when putting pw on multiple logs with pw alrea
Oh, I thought you said this was an implemented behaviour in Windows already. (It should have been... :P) ...but clever. (y)

EDIT: Ah, I see - you were speaking about the "yes to all" button (or whatever it's called in the English version) on overwrite warning messages.

This post was edited on 06-29-2006 at 12:25 PM by Dommedagsprofet.
06-29-2006 12:24 PM
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RE: Extreme amount of warning messages when putting pw on multiple logs with pw alrea
Originally posted by Dommedagsprofet
EDIT: Ah, I see - you were speaking about the "yes to all" button (or whatever it's called in the English version) on overwrite warning messages.
yeah, that's also more clearer way (didn't think of that, lol.../me slaps himself).

But what I meant where the dialogs where you don't have a "yes to all" button, but could still press YES, while holding down SHIFT to get a "yes to all" behaviour.

EDIT: wait... let me explain better (gosh, I'm really chaotic today)...

The overwrite dialogs have 4 buttons:

So there is a "yes to all" behaviour of course. But the thing I speak of is actually for the NO button. Each time you press "no" a new popup will appear for the next file of your selection. But when you hold down SHIFT while you press NO, you have a "no to all" behaviour...

This post was edited on 06-29-2006 at 12:32 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
06-29-2006 12:28 PM
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O.P. RE: RE: Extreme amount of warning messages when putting pw on multiple logs with pw a
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Originally posted by Dommedagsprofet
EDIT: Ah, I see - you were speaking about the "yes to all" button (or whatever it's called in the English version) on overwrite warning messages.
yeah, that's also more clearer way (didn't think of that, lol.../me slaps himself).

But what I meant where the dialogs where you don't have a "yes to all" button, but could still press YES, while holding down SHIFT to get a "yes to all" behaviour.

So it does exist some place in Windows?
06-29-2006 12:30 PM
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RE: RE: RE: Extreme amount of warning messages when putting pw on multiple logs with
Originally posted by Dommedagsprofet
Originally posted by CookieRevised
Originally posted by Dommedagsprofet
EDIT: Ah, I see - you were speaking about the "yes to all" button (or whatever it's called in the English version) on overwrite warning messages.
yeah, that's also more clearer way (didn't think of that, lol.../me slaps himself).

But what I meant where the dialogs where you don't have a "yes to all" button, but could still press YES, while holding down SHIFT to get a "yes to all" behaviour.

So it does exist some place in Windows?

EDIT: wait... let me explain better (gosh, I'm really chaotic today :$)...

The overwrite dialogs have 4 buttons:

So there is a "yes to all" behaviour of course. But the thing I speak of is actually for the NO button. Each time you press "no" a new popup will appear for the next file of your selection. But when you hold down SHIFT while you press NO, you have a "no to all" behaviour...

This is very usefull as CANCEL would actually cancel the current operation. (The overwite files dialog isn't a good example to explain the difference between cancel and shift-no though)

eg: supposse you have a program which performs a certain operation. Only when all the dialogs have been processed the operation is actually performed.

So, when you are presented with such a dialog, you have the choose to press Yes to all, but what if you did't want the first step of the operation (eg overwriting files) but you do want to second step to be performed (adding the files to a library for example). Pressing cancel would indeed skip the overwriting, but would also cancel the whole operation all together. For this situation it is very handy to press shift-no, so the secondary operation is performed as you didn't cancelled the whole thing.

eg: suppose Plus! only changes the passwords after it has shown all the warnings. In that way you could confirm/not confirm all the warnings and when that is done, Plus! will start the changing for each file you did confirm. There are two things how one could make the dialogs:
1) Have 5! buttons:
2) Have 4! buttons (standard windows way):

And the above is actually how the Sound Library Fixer works too when it presents a "overwrite in the library?" warning/confirmation. So to see this in action, use the Sound Library Fixer a couple of times ;)


But seeing that Plus! performs the changing of the passwords not in one go without interruption, but processes a file, shows a warning, processes the next file, show a warning, etc... 2 buttons would indeed be sufficent:

But if Patchou implements it that way, he must make sure the OK TO ALL is large enough to hold all the translations..... (for Dutch it would be "OK op &alles" ;))

This post has been made waaaaay larger than intended :p, sorry

This post was edited on 06-29-2006 at 12:48 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
06-29-2006 12:33 PM
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