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[Question] Now playing/Display picture.
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O.P. [Question] Now playing/Display picture.
Well this is a weird suggestion i guess.

When toying around with Random DP 1.1, I ran into two things that made me think a bit.  First: it's inability to "grab" images from subdirectories (I'm one of those people who puts everything in categories) and secondly: for some reason my friend was under the impression that i was displaying the albumart of the songs i was listening to.

The second point is where the suggestion/question starts.
Is it possible to display the embedded albumart (or the folderart) of the songs you play? I'm betting it can't be done, otherwise it would be done a long time ago, but perhaps it's just something that people haven't thought about.

Just to clarify, because I tend to be misunderstood alot:
I'm wondering if it's possible for a "now playing" plugin to display the albumart of the song that I'm listening to as my display picture.

if it has been suggested before and ruled out as impossible, ignore this post then. :)
06-29-2006 11:21 AM
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RE: [Question] Now playing/Display picture.
It will be possible, yes. But the images would probably have to be saved separately to the music files, perhaps with the same name, so the script can recognise the correct picture.
06-29-2006 11:59 AM
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RE: [Question] Now playing/Display picture.
I think that the only way to do a script like that, is to find the path of the song, and the to show the albumart.
I supose it is too difficult to search for the path of each song it plays. In addition there will be another problem with tags.

This post was edited on 06-29-2006 at 12:02 PM by geeksada.
06-29-2006 12:01 PM
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RE: [Question] Now playing/Display picture.
As far as I know, albumn art is not stored as part of the audio file. It is usually stored in a file for the audio player. So for this to work, the script would either have to also integrate with the player that you use (hard) or look in a specific folder for images with the correct names (easier). The lattter is probably batter, as not everyone uses the same media player.

Hope that this helps,
06-29-2006 12:04 PM
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O.P. RE: RE: [Question] Now playing/Display picture.
Originally posted by rob_botch
As far as I know, albumn art is not stored as part of the audio file.

well, it can be saved as part of a id3v2 tag or as a separate .jpg file in the director the files are in. the latter option only works if you have all files sorted by album (like I do), the former is probably better if you have a big folder where you dump all your music into.

I guess you have to find a way to send the id3v2 info other than song/artist/album to msn so that it chances the display picture, this could be very hard i guess.

or what already was suggested:
find a way to resolve the folder/cover/albumart.jpg (whatever format you use) and set it as a DP whenever your song changes.

either way:
sounds like a lot of work :)

This post was edited on 06-29-2006 at 01:35 PM by Eisenkanzler.
06-29-2006 01:26 PM
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RE: [Question] Now playing/Display picture.
Oh yes, I forgot about id3v2 tags. But I would have thought that you would need quite a complex piece of code to read those. I still think that separate files would be the best option, because the user could choose the image him/herself, and they could use any audio files, even those without the requisite id3v2 tag.
06-29-2006 01:30 PM
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O.P. RE: [Question] Now playing/Display picture.
yes, ogg, mpc and wma do not support images in their tags and I believe that APEv2 doesn't support them either. Foobar2000 favors those tags over id3v2.

06-29-2006 01:38 PM
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RE: [Question] Now playing/Display picture.
this is currently available with the iTunes+ script, it displays the album art as your display picture depending on what song your playing but it depends on whether you have stored the album art in iTunes. It is also being developed for other media players but i do not know when it will be available
06-29-2006 01:50 PM
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RE: RE: [Question] Now playing/Display picture.
Originally posted by MGrove03
this is currently available with the iTunes+ script, it displays the album art as your display picture depending on what song your playing but it depends on whether you have stored the album art in iTunes. It is also being developed for other media players but i do not know when it will be available

Don't count on anytime soon... but I might. ;)

Anyway, this would be a fairly simple thing to do, all that needs to be done is ask the user for the location of the image file in location to the music, then getting the file path for the song and adapting it for the image...  and in general I think album art is usually stored in the same folder as the music as folder.jpg for winamp and wmp...?  I'm sure -dt- is up to that... :P
06-29-2006 05:37 PM
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RE: [Question] Now playing/Display picture.
What I get from raw message is something like this:
\0Music\01\0{0} - {1}\0Ghost of the Sun\0Katatonia\0Viva Emptiness\0{AA5921BB-60A7-4439-B026-6E47F1A0B0FA}\0

and NO, there is no file like AlbumArt_{AA592... with the album art.

What is that number.
What are {0} and {1} around "Music".
There must have meanings?

//edit: sorry for wrong information, I thought it only showed song and the artist.

I've written some code: have a look at this.

var path="D:/Documents/My Music/";
var imgname="folder.jpg";
var name="";
var artist="";
var album="";
var id="";
function OnEvent_Initialize(MessengerStart)
Debug.trace("Script Start");

function OnEvent_Uninitialize(MessengerExit)
Debug.trace("Script End");

function OnEvent_MyMediaChange(newsong){
function makedp(str){
Debug.trace("Artist: "+artist+", Song: "+song+", Album: "+album);

I can't test it, probably there is an error at least somewhere, I got disconnected and can't sign in.

Don't forget to change the path to your My Music folder.

This post was edited on 06-29-2006 at 06:31 PM by can16358p.
[Image: anathema.gif][Image: hax0r.png]
06-29-2006 05:46 PM
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