Thank Reload2, do you know where could I research about the protocol?
And yes Matty I meant something else slightly different: The thing is I have this contact that switches Display constantly and I want to save them while I'm conected as "Offline", But when I start messenger and while being as "Offline" I connect, my contact's Displays won't be cached at my computer until I changed my status to Online. So what I want is to know what "message" is sent to "get" de contact's Display to see if I "can" send it as offline. Am I being clear? if not please tell me and I'll try to explain myself in a different way. Thanks
And yes Reload2 I mean the new display. thanks for answering.
But then another question:
- ¿Why do other Instant Messengers can do that? For example until recentlly, with Gaim I recall I could be able to do that: I could login as "Invisible or offline" and My online contact's Display or (Buddy Icon) would be cached, even better, Gaim comes with a "Save image as..." .png (or .gif, .jpg) dialog. Now that I installed it, it doesn't seem to work, actually I can't get any display I don't know if it's me or the new version is buggy or if it's something else, but It could be done -I'm guessing- with that same msn protocol, I also think it got's nothing to do with the new Live Messenger 'cause I know most of my contacts doesn't know about it yet.
So if anyone could share info about how those IM's where implemented, that could help. Thanks ahead.
Congrats about the senior title