Originally posted by giken
I'd like a script to show idle time, not only the status 
true idle time can't be 'shown'/calculated. What can be 'shown'/calculated is the time the user is idle since
you have seen him as idle (eg: a user might already be idle before you come online).
Note the use of 'shown'... It is put between quotes because there are 2 problems with this:
1) Currently the status name (whatever it is) isn't shown anymore in the contact list of Windows Live Messenger. As described in some previous posts this can be added back with certain patches (though, patches might always break compatibility with addons etc).
This can't be done with scripts.
2) You can not change what is shown in the status name (if it is shown at all) after the contact name with a script. Plus! itself could do this.
PS: when custom names are added back, it might be possible to dynamically change a custom name so it includes the idled time though. Or you could maybe do some other workaround with a script, but directly changing the status name is not possible.