Originally posted by tbcat
And I donīt understand why if so many people ask for it somebody would not do it...
several reasons, but the main one would be that many people (the majority) will interpret the function of such a plugin/addon/script in the wrong way. And there is nothing more frustarting than explaning to people again and again how things work. So in the end, most developpers simply don't even want to talk about it anymore, let alone make something like that or make it public.
Originally posted by tbcat
I even had a few ideas how to make it A BIT more reliable, for example, if 1 o 2 minutes passed between the last messege, desactivate the "connection lost" notify... This way most "automatic connection finished" would not give a false "close window" notify... It wouldnīt be 100% accurate either, I know, but well... It's an improvement...
The time-outs for the sessions are somewhat known, but MS has changed them from time to time. Making something that will ignore everything after x minutes will not be good because:
a) the timeout could actually be less than those x minutes for all you know (only those who are very familiar with the protocol know the timeout value; aka don't guess such stuff, research it).
b) no end of session will be reported back after the x minutes, even if the end of session was caused by the contact itself
You can argue that it would notify the user and it would always be accurate if you implemented your own time-out after x minutes. Although this is true, it would not be as usefull and accurate as when you actually use the real timeout. Not to mention that without knowing the real time-out, all you still do is guessing (but this time guessing what the time-out might be).
Originally posted by tbcat
About the "connection stablished" notify, you always have the "contact is writing a message" message to know if the other contact really had opened the window and is going to talk with you... Although this donīt work if the other opened the window but wasnīt going to talk with you (yeah there are crazy people out there XD), so I wouldnīt make the script to wait for that...
That message can also easly be disabled with many patches btw.
Originally posted by tbcat
talk about the script itself and how to make it the best we can for people who want it...
best way? Study the protocol and stick to it. Don't implement stuff which is guessed or which needs interpretations.
Originally posted by tbcat
And about people who think it's useless, just try to think this topic as a lot of crazy people talking about useless things but happy about that
The subject of the topic is serious enough to debate about it. This is still and always will be a serious forum where in the first place support is given and thus where information needs to be posted as accurate as possible without the possebility of misconceptions.
To make what you want, start by studying the protocol. Info about the protocol or links to it (and sessions in particular) can be found on many messenger related sites. (PS: not many people can deal with the protocol. This means something: it isn't easy to get it right!! success...)... After that, study how packet sniffers work.