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[split] immigrant video related discussion
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O.P. immigrant video
does anyone know that video that has that guy in a pickup truck get some immigrants and takes them to an immigration centre, then they all run away and he's all like "ha ha ha" and they're all like "shits!!11"?
The Artist Formerly Known As saralk
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07-06-2006 08:47 AM
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RE: immigrant video
Americans think they got it bad with immigrants - OUR COUNTRY LETS EM IN - GOOD OLD UK
07-06-2006 11:34 AM
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RE: immigrant video
We all live in the same world, we are here by accident of birth. They are coming hear because their country is so bad because we scammed them out of their crops and money by unfair trade etc.

Racists are just nasty people, they are  true scum.
07-06-2006 03:46 PM
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RE: immigrant video
Well actually no, they're coming here because after the war (1940/50s) we invited them into the country to rebuild all of our blown up buildings etc. as we didn't have enough men to do it ourselves because of everyone who was killed during the war. The people who came here then tell the people at home of this "paradise" that is our country, making all other people come who think they can have a better life. Also, the others who come here because of their homeland being bad is because of things such as war, usually they're refugees.

You can't just say racists are nasty people straight away, some of them raise good points and I know full well that I'm not amazingly keen on religion, especially the muslim faith. Not just because of the media views that I've seen of muslim, but because of experience with muslim people in the past. Each one I've met or seen have been extremists and very bad people. There has only ever been one muslim that I know who was remotely nice, and that is a woman from Persia (Iran) who my Dad once did some work for.

Even with all of that, you know me and that I'm not amazingly racist, I'd never praise my beliefs about religion to everyone because I believe that everyone has a right to their own choice, although some peoples choice is misguided or often forced upon them.

This post was edited on 07-06-2006 at 03:51 PM by user27089.
07-06-2006 03:50 PM
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RE: immigrant video
Traxor they did come after the war, correct. After we robbed them of their tea and we gave them back indepency, leaving them to sort it out between two rival countries from different religons which destored India. That is why British troops are still in Iraq, trying not to repeated what happened to India 60 years ago. And after those India's suffered and came to our country they were gretted with rasict re-marks dispite making what this country is today. India is an influentual country for the UK, without it, we would not be as rich as we are today, and changes are we would not have won World War two. To anyone reading this, Indias have done so much for us, please repect them and don't even think of a rasict comment against them again.

Edit: People don't relise the difference between refugees, imagrants and illegal ones. If you knew what they had been through, it makes you really think how our lives are so much better. Only thing that annoys me about illegal imgrants is how they don't pay tax, although they do small jobs we do not like and get not nearly as much pay.

This post was edited on 07-06-2006 at 04:09 PM by absorbation.
07-06-2006 04:04 PM
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RE: immigrant video
I didn't say one thing wrong about India, the main religion of India is Hindu, and I have nothing wrong with that faith. Every single Hindi person that I've met and know have been nice people. They're a lot more laid back.

Immigrants are not a good thing at all, even the legal ones. I may be being racist here, but what I'm saying is true, before they came to this country, it was a better place, with less shootings, stabbings, violence etc.
07-06-2006 04:22 PM
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O.P. RE: immigrant video
Originally posted by traxor
Every single Hindi person that I've met and know have been nice people.


Originally posted by traxor
Immigrants are not a good thing at all, even the legal ones. I may be being racist here, but what I'm saying is true, before they came to this country, it was a better place, with less shootings, stabbings, violence etc.

I don't like the word racist, in my opinion a racist is someone who actively tries to make people of other races' lives worse. People who have views against certain aspects of race sensitive issues such as immigration isn't racist.

I don't think you can generalise like that. My dad was in immigrant and he is a doctor. If you go to any hospital, I guarentee that you will find at least 40% of the doctors are Indian. At the eye departmant where my dad works there are no English doctors (and as a side note, there are around 50 Indian families in Wrexham, and I think they all have a doctor as the breadwinner). You can hardly say that someone who works every day to save people's lives and in addition pays a large amount in taxes is a bad thing to society.

Yes, it is true that in past years there has been an increase in violence, and it is also true that in the past years there has been in increase in immigrants.
However, I don't think that the two are linked. Just look at society as a whole, TV is getting more violent, video games are getting more violent, music is promoting violence. Furthermore, a lot of British born people who's parents are immigrants get a hard time from people of British decent, this aggrevates them and makes them resent society.

And I think that "newspapers" like The Sun promote anti race views like this. Claiming that immigrants steal jobs, which is a load of rubbish. In the short term, it may be true that an immigrant gets a job over a native. However, in most cases, the immigrant was probably more suited to the job.
In the long run, immigrants create more jobs, think about it.
More people = more people buying stuff = more stuff needed to sell = more jobs to make and sell the stuff.
I think that the kind of people who complain that Immigrants steal jobs are just trying to find excuses for that fact that they didn't put any effort in the early part of their life and are now underqualified.

This post was edited on 07-06-2006 at 04:52 PM by saralk.
The Artist Formerly Known As saralk
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07-06-2006 04:49 PM
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RE: immigrant video
I agreed with you Traxor. I was just making a point on how people in the UK treat Indians so badly dispite we have done the things wrong to them.

Edit: This whole volience/ terroist thing and pre-judging people is wrong. At the end of the day they hurt their soceity more as people are finding muslims less approchable which is totally wrong, espically as it is a religon of peace.

This post was edited on 07-06-2006 at 04:55 PM by absorbation.
07-06-2006 04:53 PM
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O.P. RE: immigrant video
Originally posted by absorbation
Edit: People don't relise the difference between refugees, imagrants and illegal ones. If you knew what they had been through, it makes you really think how our lives are so much better. Only thing that annoys me about illegal imgrants is how they don't pay tax, although they do small jobs we do not like and get not nearly as much pay.

An immigrant is someone who has moved from one country to another, legally or illegally
The Artist Formerly Known As saralk
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07-06-2006 04:56 PM
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RE: immigrant video
Originally posted by saralk
An immigrant is someone who has moved from one country to another, legally or illegally

I know, and a refugee is somone seaking help because they are being discriminated because of their religon, race, colour or social background. People don't tend to relise this and people should be educated from a young age about it. Luickly I think the UK is finally changing for the better and I feel, in Birmingham I live in a multi-enthic soceity.

This post was edited on 07-06-2006 at 04:59 PM by absorbation.
07-06-2006 04:58 PM
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