Hi, I'm kinda still learning to code, so be aware! my errors could be VERY BIG
the thing is, i want to control the data pins on my LPT1 (parallel port) so, I'm using the
io.dll as suggested by Themuzz with the Command:
Call PortOut (888,1)
so, here's the code i use to activate a pin:
Interop.Call("C:\TEMP\SCRIPTS\LPT!\io.dll", "Call PortOut", 888 , 1 );
i came to this after several attempts that the code was wrong and didn't allow the script to initialize.. now, no errors appear, but....... the pin is still off...
I've checked it and this doesn't work... the pin 2 doesn't turn on..
so, my last chance is to ask someone here for help...
all i need is this code to work so i can get my code up and running...
i have it already working to start applications remotely, but if i can make this work i could be able to turn on and off lights, radio, tv, heating, etc...
PS: it also would be nice if you could tell me whats the command to turn off one pin