BUG: Memory Leak |
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O.P. BUG: Memory Leak
Hi all,
I have encountered a memory leak when using Messenger Plus! Live ("MP") with Windows Live Messenger 8.0.0787.00 ("M"). M currently seems to be stuck in a memory leak, it is using 100% CPU time and steadily consuming all of my memory (>200MB memory usage and >200MB virtual memory usage). I have encountered this problem on two seperate systems but am unable to nail down the cause.
This is on:
- Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]\
- Intel Pentium 4 2.8Ghz Processor with Hyperthreading Technology
- 1.00GB of memory used
I have also experienced this error on another computer the specifications of which I am unsure. M will usually use approximately 90MB of memory total (ie. physical and virtual) with a couple chats open. I believe it has to do with the tabbed chats function of MP more specifically, tabbed chats when group conversations are used. I am unable to confirm this currently, but I suspect is arises when there are group chats open with tabbed chat and a person joins or leaves the chat (not sure whether the group chat being focused or unfocussed is relevant). I haven't been able to confirm this however, as mentioned previously.
Apologies if this bug report is in the incorrect format. If more information is required I will try to post it.
07-07-2006 09:14 AM |
Skinning Contest Winner

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RE: BUG: Memory Leak
I think its the program itself. My (mom's) computer was slow at 1st, slower with WLM, and unimaginablily slow with MP!L.
Joined this forum 6870 days, 3 hours, 32 minutes, 57 seconds ago.
07-10-2006 05:32 AM |
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RE: BUG: Memory Leak
I think in other places on the forums they've decided that the memory leak is in Messenger itself. It has nothing to do with Plus!
07-10-2006 06:27 AM |
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RE: BUG: Memory Leak
Try to unistall MP!L and see if you still get the memory leak, and if not, install MP!L, and if it occurs, then you can confirm it's the program.
07-10-2006 07:56 AM |
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RE: BUG: Memory Leak
Messenger Plus will naturally make for more mmmory being used. I noticed that there was a lot of memmory being used by WLM alone, alot of this is with the video carosel and chats seem to take a lot of memmory too.
If there does seem to be a lot of memmory being used by MP!L by doing what Lt.Col.Dragon said then try to narrow it down to a specific feature/s. To do this just use one feature at a time that you are using now if you don't mind, this will give patchou an idea of what he might have to look at. Thanks 
07-10-2006 08:33 AM |
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RE: BUG: Memory Leak
i too have experienced memory leaks however it is mainly messenger itself, when i was using the beta versions of WLM and consequently back then there was no compatable version of messenger plus to run so it was uninstalled WLM was running at between 30,000k - 40,000k according to task manager (ctrl+alt+del). since installing the messenger plus live program i am back to messenger using between 50,000 - 100,000k of memory. at present i haven't seen it go as high as 100,000 yet but it did get that high with previous versions of plus and messenger when both were on together.
this supports the theory that the memory leak is primarily in messenger itself and has been there for atleast 3-4 years by my count, but the massive increase in memory after plus software is installed would also suggest a memory leak in plus. no program no matter how advanced should use atleast 20,000k of memory atleast thats what a computer specialist told me. anyway hope this helps.
WLM 8.0.0792
MP!L 4.0.0235
Windows XP Pro with SP2
07-12-2006 05:57 AM |
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RE: BUG: Memory Leak
quote: Originally posted by stuartbennett
no program no matter how advanced should use atleast 20,000k of memory atleast thats what a computer specialist told me
That is complete rubbish. Image editors, video editors and games regularly use huge amounts of memory, often in the hundreds of MB. This is why for such software you need huge amounts of RAM.
Plus!, while not so graphics intensive, does use a lot of custom draw effects. This of course will significantly increase memory usage, as data relevant to the drawing of the windows remains in memory to improve performance.
WLM is also quite graphics intensive for what it is, as everything is custom drawn. Again, this data can reside in memory to improve performance.
07-13-2006 10:16 AM |
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RE: BUG: Memory Leak
quote: Originally posted by stuartbennett
no program no matter how advanced should use atleast 20,000k of memory atleast thats what a computer specialist told me.
Erm... RaceProUK is completely correct. Why do i have 41 running processes using less than 20MB of ram at the moment?
07-13-2006 10:22 AM |
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RE: BUG: Memory Leak
quote: Originally posted by Chestah
quote: Originally posted by stuartbennett
no program no matter how advanced should use atleast 20,000k of memory atleast thats what a computer specialist told me.
Erm... RaceProUK is completely correct. Why do i have 41 running processes using less than 20MB of ram at the moment?
He said that processors should not go above 20MB each not be at least 20MB. 
07-13-2006 10:33 AM |
Senior Member

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RE: BUG: Memory Leak
quote: Originally posted by illuzn
Hi all,
I have encountered a memory leak when using Messenger Plus! Live ("MP") with Windows Live Messenger 8.0.0787.00 ("M"). M currently seems to be stuck in a memory leak, it is using 100% CPU time and steadily consuming all of my memory (>200MB memory usage and >200MB virtual memory usage). I have encountered this problem on two seperate systems but am unable to nail down the cause.
This is on:
- Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]\
- Intel Pentium 4 2.8Ghz Processor with Hyperthreading Technology
- 1.00GB of memory used
I have also experienced this error on another computer the specifications of which I am unsure. M will usually use approximately 90MB of memory total (ie. physical and virtual) with a couple chats open. I believe it has to do with the tabbed chats function of MP more specifically, tabbed chats when group conversations are used. I am unable to confirm this currently, but I suspect is arises when there are group chats open with tabbed chat and a person joins or leaves the chat (not sure whether the group chat being focused or unfocussed is relevant). I haven't been able to confirm this however, as mentioned previously.
Apologies if this bug report is in the incorrect format. If more information is required I will try to post it.
Do you maybe know when Messenger's CPU usage and RAM started shooting up? Were u doing something in particular? Did Messenger do something? for example, did MessengerPlus! maybe show some "status change" or "...went offline " toasts?
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07-13-2006 10:43 AM |
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