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[Request] Custom Names for contacts
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O.P. [Request] Custom Names for contacts
Custom contact names was one of the features in the old Messenger Plus for MSN 7.5 and I really liked the idea. I believe that Messenger Plus! Live does not have this feature. Can anyone make a script or a plugin that allows the user to assign custom contact names? Thanks!
07-08-2006 04:40 AM
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RE: [Request] Custom Names for contacts
Originally posted by CookieRevised
The reason why the Custom Name feature has been depricted is indeed because Windows Live Messenger now has a Nickname feature.

During development, many beta testers also requested that the Custom Name feature would be brought back. Patchou is aware of this.

However, for this first release choices need to be made and it was not included. It is still possible that it will be added back in a future version though. Only time will tell.

The reason why the Custom Name feature of Plus! is far more usefull than the Nickname feature of WLM is because of one simple reason: With the Nickname feature of WLM you can not see the contact's orginal screenname, nor email, when you have set a nickname.

The usefullness of the Custom Name feature in Plus! comes from the fact that you could use the special tags (!N) and (!M) as part of the Custom Name to show the contact's original screenname or email. Making it possible to set custom names like: "John: (!N)" which would be seen as: "John: this is my original screen name"

If enough people vote on the poll to bring back the Custom Name feature (and if it is technically possible!!) I'm sure Patchou might speed up the development of it.


On a personal note and without taking technical issues into account:

In short: There would be no need to replace anything...

Not so short: One way to integrate the Custom Name feature into the new Nickname feature is to simply add support for the (!N) and (!M) tags into WLM's nickname feature. This also means there is no need for extra control panels and such as WLM already provides this.

Though, there is one problem with this: Messenger Plus! needs a unique way to indentify names in the contactlist. Previously this was done by actually showing the emailaddresses instead of the screennames in the contactlist. Then Plus! could easly and uniquely identify each contact and replace the visible emailaddress with either a custom name or the screenname again. Hence what you was was a contactlist with (custom) names.

When WLM shows nicknames, there is no unique way to identify each individual contact in the contactlist as names are not something unique; two people can have the same name. Thus there is no way for Plus! to know who is who and thus can't replace the line you see in the contactlist with a Custom Name.

There is possible workaround though: Set the contactlist to show emailaddresses (like previously) and grab the nickname from WLM's own database. Put here is probably the catch: to be able to retrieve the set nickname (and thus also the "custom name") from WLM's encrypted files.

Originally posted by Patchou
I may add it back if Microsoft doesn't improve the current nickname feature. I suggest you email Microsoft about it (Smilie).

As for colors, you surely can add some in the nicknames, just use bbcode charactres (like name)

07-08-2006 04:45 AM
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O.P. RE: [Request] Custom Names for contacts
Ok, thanks for the reply Felu! One question, how do you use the nicknames feature in WML?

This post was edited on 07-08-2006 at 04:58 AM by Sn2005.
07-08-2006 04:54 AM
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RE: [Request] Custom Names for contacts
Right click the contact... go to "Add a Nickname"

Originally posted by Sn2005
god, wondwer why I didn't think of that, sorry for the n00b question lol
:p no problem ;) haha... that's what I'm here for lol...

This post was edited on 07-08-2006 at 05:06 AM by qgroessl.
07-08-2006 04:59 AM
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O.P. RE: [Request] Custom Names for contacts
god, wondwer why I didn't think of that, sorry for the n00b question lol
07-08-2006 05:02 AM
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