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Intercept incoming message
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O.P. Intercept incoming message
Is it possible to intercept an incoming message before it is displatyed in the chat window or prevent it from showing up?
What about adding content to the chat window? An example of what I want is how Plus formatting tags work where the incoming message is intercepted, parsed, and a modified message comes out in the window.
07-10-2006 09:31 AM
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RE: Intercept incoming message
Originally posted by GearGOD
Is it possible to intercept an incoming message before it is displatyed in the chat window or prevent it from showing up?

This isn't possible using scripts. The closest thing you can do is just remove the message, but you will still got the "Contact says:" Above it.

Originally posted by GearGOD
What about adding content to the chat window? An example of what I want is how Plus formatting tags work where the incoming message is intercepted, parsed, and a modified message comes out in the window.

You can change intercept the text that a contact says and alter what it says in the window, but it has a limit of only being able to display as many characters as the message already has. For example, if you have a message saying "Logon user:pass" been recieved, you wouldn't be able to replace it with "Logon successful". It will get cut to "Logon successfu".
[Image: cloudy.jpg]
Sig by pirateok/marisaok/marisa ;)
Originally posted by Moulin Rouge
The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return

7013 days, 4 hours, 25 minutes, 23 seconds ago
07-10-2006 09:56 AM
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O.P. RE: Intercept incoming message
Hmm. Is it possible to place a request for this with the Plus team? Seems like a pretty vital feature for 'silent' communication.
07-10-2006 09:59 AM
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RE: Intercept incoming message
But then again, there are secuirity issues for silent communication. For instance, there are adware and spyware out there which hide a certian string sent by messenger, like "Your friend has a new buddy icon etc. etc. etc.". So it would be perfectly possible to send links without the users permission.

Also, silent communication would only work if the other person had the script, and there is no way of finding out if the user has the script without some kind of central databases of the email addresses.

[Image: cloudy.jpg]
Sig by pirateok/marisaok/marisa ;)
Originally posted by Moulin Rouge
The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return

7013 days, 4 hours, 25 minutes, 23 seconds ago
07-10-2006 10:17 AM
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O.P. RE: Intercept incoming message
I don't see that as much of a security risk as the person would very soon find out from the people they chat to, when installing scripts people are warned for a reason.
I'm also quite aware that it would only work if both parties have the script/plus installed. Is there any way to get this as a request on the next version?
07-10-2006 10:37 AM
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RE: Intercept incoming message
Yep.. 1 for one would love an onPacket event. Where the string can be totally maniuplated and then returned as a string.

Means you can manipulate events/messages as much as you want/need. Change messages, change/ignore events (keyboard typing), change people's font's/names.

I was actually looking forward to this feature before the API was released.
07-10-2006 12:16 PM
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