Is it possible to create a script that will change my display name right before a select contact signs out? So next time they sign in, and I am offline, they will see the "new" name instead of the last one they saw?
*For example, I am talking to bob with display name "Keikonium". Bob says he has to go, so I say "alrighty, bye". Then a split second before he signs out, my name changes to "Keikonium - I don't like you very much bob" or something like that

I think the only problem with this would be the fact that a script may not beable to change this before the person signs out, rendering this sort of impossible >_>.
Which brings me to my next idea. Changing my name when
I sign out. And then upon signing back in (with any status except Appear Offline) it changes my name back to what it used to be.
*For example, I have my name set to "Keikonium". I click sign out, and my name automatically changes to "Keikonium - I'll be right back". Then when I sign back in, my name is set back to "Keikonium".
Make sense? I hope so

. Now are either of these possible