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Missing 3 Features! Bugs!?
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O.P. Missing 3 Features! Bugs!?

Hello Messers,

I'm new to this forum here but I've been using MessengerPlus since the 3.0 version came out, so I've been working with it for quite a while now...

I'm very happy to see the new version work so seamlessly with WLM yet I'm missing a few very important and often used features. I'm not sure if these have been reported before but I'll just list 'em here now and hope some of you guys can help me or have them reported so they can be fixed in the next release...

1. changing contact's names and appearance (color, bold print) in the main window by right-click->Messenger Plus! Features->Rename
Where did that feature go? I know you can now add and edit a nickname for any of your Hotmail and Messenger contacts, but with that WLM built-in feature you cannot edit color and appearance of the contact's name in your list, which I used to do in order to know who's important and who's not.

2. The (!WAT) feature. Sending your now playing title using the "(!WAT)"-command directly in a conversation.
Where did that feature go?

3. The /msg command is very helpful, but it lacks usability with the little contact window not popping up, so I hope Patchou can re-add that feature so you don't always have to go back to the main window in order to open a new conversation with another contact.

I hope these bugs ARE bugs and some of you guys can give me info on if they're going to be fixed or if I am too stupid to find these features and the re-arranged MP!L. Thank you

This post was edited on 07-22-2006 at 09:44 AM by Flaschenkorken.
07-20-2006 09:35 AM
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RE: Missing 3 features! Bugs?
1. changing contact's names and appearance (color, bold print) in the main window by right-click->Messenger Plus! Features->Rename
Where did that feature go? I know you can now add and edit a nickname for any of your Hotmail and Messenger contacts, but with that WLM built-in feature you cannot edit color and appearance of the contact's name in your list, which I used to do in order to know who's important and who's not.
This feature was taken out because of WLM's "add nick" feature. If WLM doesn't improve that feature the Plus! one might be back...
You can still colour the nicks tho...all you have to do is put in the colour tags when you name them or afterwards by rightclicking your contact in the contactlist then going to "Edit Contact".
2. The (!WAT) feature. Sending your now playing title using the "(!WAT)"-command directly in a conversation.
Where did that feature go?
This one has been replaced with (!MYMEDIA). To use this one you will need to have "show what i'm listening to" on. If you want the (!WAT) i suggest you get the Music Now Playing 1.0.6 script, this one is independant of the "now playing" beeing on or off ;)
3. The /msg command is very helpful, but it lacks usability with the little contact window not popping up, so I hope Patchou can re-add that feature so you don't always have to go back to the main window in order to open a new conversation with another contact.
I agree on that one..but not everything has been put back yet so don't give up hope....having the checklist (the same you get when you click the icon in systray and choose "send instant message")  popping up is more handy then typin in an e-mail adress.

I hope these bugs ARE bugs and some of you guys can give me info on if they're going to be fixed or if I am too stupid to find these features and the re-arranged MP!L. Thank you

Not bugs as you can see...more changes and not implemented yet stuff ;)

I hope my answers are satisfactory to you.

Edit: you're welcome :)

This post was edited on 07-20-2006 at 05:27 PM by Sunshine.
[Image: 25dr3o9]
07-20-2006 09:46 AM
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O.P. RE: Missing 3 features! Bugs?
Hey Sunshine ^^,

thanks a lot for your detailed answers, you helped me a lot. I hope the /msg feature will still be added, but nevertheless thanks for the info on how to get around the other two issues I had. :)
07-20-2006 03:44 PM
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RE: Missing 3 features! Bugs?

I'm missing 1 feature too, can I add it here?
The thing I'm missing: Shortcut-keys for personalized status??

Further I still like MsgPlusLive (like I liked MsgPlus), and I'm thanking Patchou for the great work!!!


This post was edited on 07-21-2006 at 07:16 PM by To1ne.
07-21-2006 07:13 PM
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RE: Missing 3 features! Bugs?
Originally posted by To1ne
The thing I'm missing: Shortcut-keys for personalized status??
That is already included in latest build.

[Image: attachment.php?pid=699905]

PS: don't make this into another what's missing thread. There are already threads where people posts their stuff. This thread was about 3 things as the subject indicates.


.png File Attachment: plus!live_persstatus.png (16.62 KB)
This file has been downloaded 1638 time(s).
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
07-21-2006 10:07 PM
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RE: Missing 3 features! Bugs?
Ok, I'm sorry, but I didn't find a post with "what's missing". Maybe add a section for it?

And I didn't get a notification for a new version of MsgPlusLive, so I didn't know there was a version avaiable with shotcut-keys. But thx a lot!!
(better close this thread now!?)
07-22-2006 01:37 AM
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O.P. RE: Missing 3 Features! Bugs!?
Found another little thing I was missing, which is changing from tabbed chats to single windows using hotkeys like F8 (which used to be in the old release of MsgPlus 3.x). Any work-arounds on that?
07-22-2006 09:46 AM
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RE: Missing 3 Features! Bugs!?
Originally posted by Flaschenkorken
Found another little thing I was missing, which is changing from tabbed chats to single windows using hotkeys like F8 (which used to be in the old release of MsgPlus 3.x). Any work-arounds on that?
Nope, you can only tab all chats or none at all (plus > preferences > conversations > tabbed chats).

No need to restart WLM to switch though ;)

This post was edited on 07-22-2006 at 10:19 AM by Sunshine.
[Image: 25dr3o9]
07-22-2006 10:14 AM
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