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Loss of previous contact information
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O.P. Loss of previous contact information
Hi, I know this is not a new thread but my point is to do with the cavaliar way that the most useful feature of Messenger plus has been removed with no consideration for the inconvenience caused by the loss of  specific information entered by myself to keep track of who I am speaking to. Did it not occur to anyone that a lot of time and effort has been invested by some people in entering this information and some effort made to transfer it over into the new MSN feature or at least leave it alone until they could?
I am rolling back to previous versions in the hope of getting my data back, if I don't I will no longer use such add ons and maintain my own seperate database of contact information which I at least have control over! The word 'Bloatware' does spring to mind at this point!
07-25-2006 08:12 AM
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RE: Loss of previous contact information
How about not overreacting? So long as you didn't remove Plus! 3 and all it's settings, your data still exists. And if you want it transferred that badly, either write the program yourself, or suggest it to the forum.
[Image: spartaafk.png]
07-25-2006 08:35 AM
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O.P. RE: Loss of previous contact information
Thank's but I stand by what I said and I don't feel that I am over reacting, it's a question of trust. I have gone back to MSN 7.5 and retrieved my data but as it's standard practice to uninstall applications before installation of new ones I could easily have lost it. Some warning should have been clearly given, during the new installation. Bells and whistles are all very well providing they enhance the real functionality we all use these programs for not remove it. How would you feel if after every upgrade you lost all your MSN contacts?. We are encouraged to use these add ons and they are promoted and marketed, presumably someone somewhere is making something out of it, they have a responsibility and should be accountable. But I have not been able to find any trace of an apology or fix? The best someone could manage was 'oh it was removed becasue of................'!
07-25-2006 08:59 AM
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RE: Loss of previous contact information
If you used the search feature before posting you would have your answer to why it was removed.  It has been removed atm because it is very low priority as WLM has this feature and as Messenger Plus! Live has been recoded from scratch Patchou had to prioritise his time.  I hope this is a reasonable answer for you.

This post was edited on 07-25-2006 at 10:30 AM by markee.
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07-25-2006 09:09 AM
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RE: Loss of previous contact information
Originally posted by markee
Thank's but I stand by what I said and I don't feel that I am over reacting, it's a question of trust. I have gone back to MSN 7.5 and retrieved my data but as it's standard practice to uninstall applications before installation of new ones I could easily have lost it.
I still think you did overreact slightly, as Plus! Live is a separate product to Plus! 3, and the two can coexist side-by-side with only one trivial and neglible issue when using WLM and Windows Messenger (quitting WinMsg signs you out of WLM). But anyway, maybe someone will write a program to port the data to WLM.
[Image: spartaafk.png]
07-25-2006 10:27 AM
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RE: Loss of previous contact information
Anyone knows if Patchou will add to Plus Live! the ability to restore ALL data from Messenger Plus! exported data files? I am still using MSN 7.5 with Messenger Plus! for the same reason that darksentinel is complaining: I would need to manually rename and add personal info to hundreds of contacts which obviously is not worth the hours needed to do it. I'm hopeful either Patchou will incorporate this feature into the next release of Plus Live! or someone will develop an addon to add this feature.

This post was edited on 07-25-2006 at 10:44 AM by alegator.
07-25-2006 10:42 AM
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RE: RE: Loss of previous contact information
Originally posted by darksentinel
Some warning should have been clearly given, during the new installation.

Even before it was released, users were already wared about it. Search the forums and you'll find it. Infact if I'm not mistaken RebelSean when he did his review of Plus! Live even mentioned it.

We are encouraged to use these add ons and they are promoted and marketed, presumably someone somewhere is making something out of it, they have a responsibility and should be accountable. But I have not been able to find any trace of an apology or fix? The best someone could manage was 'oh it was removed becasue of................'!

Rule number 1, make sure you always search (menas have a look around for a few days or so) before blasting your head off at people and expecting an apology. As I said eariler we were warned about it.

This post was edited on 07-25-2006 at 10:43 AM by MattyRid.
Red Bull Racing Australia - Triple Eight Race Engineering - Holden
07-25-2006 10:43 AM
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O.P. RE: Loss of previous contact information
Ok may be I did appear to over react and I apologise if I seemed overly critical, it was not my intention, but your reply also seemed over defensive and insensitive. I am not disagreeing with any of the valid points made by yourselves and perhaps I should have taken more time to research the features of the new program but I still feel that there should have been a health warning during the install as it is a significant change resulting in a loss, or withdrawn access to user data. Judging from some of the replies I am not the only one who feels this and I suspect there are a lot more out there that are not willing to debate the issue and just go back to their previous install. I don't think anyone would find it very satisfactory if Microsoft decided not to migrate user data from the address book to the next version of their software and left it up to the forums to inform everyone. Plus is an amazing product, it is clearly well thought out coded and presented to an amazing standard of professionalism so it is surprising that there was this omission. :)
07-25-2006 11:06 AM
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RE: Loss of previous contact information
Originally posted by darksentinel
health warning
[Image: xso_cheesy.gif]
I'll take a look at how the data you mentioned is stored in bth Plus! 3 and WLM, and see if there's a way to port it from the former to the latter.

Edit: Dodgy Greasemonkey messing up the smilie.

This post was edited on 07-25-2006 at 12:05 PM by RaceProUK.
[Image: spartaafk.png]
07-25-2006 12:05 PM
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Seggae Man
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o_O er.. hi

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RE: RE: Loss of previous contact information
Originally posted by alegator
Anyone knows if Patchou will add to Plus Live! the ability to restore ALL data from Messenger Plus! exported data files? I am still using MSN 7.5 with Messenger Plus! for the same reason that darksentinel is complaining: I would need to manually rename and add personal info to hundreds of contacts which obviously is not worth the hours needed to do it. I'm hopeful either Patchou will incorporate this feature into the next release of Plus Live! or someone will develop an addon to add this feature.

I too have moved back to messenger 7.5 until there is a way i can import all my settings to Live. Its not over reacting, Its just its a lot of hassle to keep reconfiguring everytime, escpecially since all these updated messengers arn't even really needed.
07-25-2006 12:18 PM
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