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Someone has a Samsung D500?
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O.P. Someone has a Samsung D500?
Just bought this phone a couple of days ago. Lately i made my first call with it, to my mom, en she said in the phone 'what the hell is wrong with you'... she couldn't hear me, then i shouted in the phone and then she could. Strange because 'voice clearacy' is checked and the manual explains that she would be able to hear me whisper. I slided the phone sometimes, tried again and then it worked. I also found that the sliding mechanism is beeping and scouring, and it didn't since yesterday... does it scoure with you too? like multiple feathers that rusted somewhat.. pls help :)
But that is my opinion!

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08-02-2006 09:55 AM
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RE: Someone has a Samsung D500?
I had that phone before the one I have now but my friend broke it :@ Mine never did any fo that and the sliding was always very smooth. It most probably will be the handset because many of my friends have the D500 and no problems :s
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08-02-2006 04:03 PM
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RE: Someone has a Samsung D500?
Maybe you should give it back to the shop to repair it?
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08-02-2006 04:10 PM
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O.P. RE: Someone has a Samsung D500?
I got it back to the shop and they sent it for repair. 2 weeks :@ and the phone is 4 days old. Instead of giving me another one they let me wait. what a service :p i made a complaint... they say they will updade the software but afaik there is already the lastest software on it and i guess there are other problems....
But that is my opinion!

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08-02-2006 04:10 PM
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RE: Someone has a Samsung D500?
Originally posted by Exca
I got it back to the shop and they sent it for repair. 2 weeks :@ and the phone is 4 days old. Instead of giving me another one they let me wait. what a service :p i made a complaint... they say they will updade the software but afaik there is already the lastest software on it and i guess there are other problems....

Seeming as the latest software update for the D500 was a lil while ago i would imagine it had the latest software on it, in my opinion they are saying it too stop you from getting angry, if i was you i would go in there and demand a fresh one and if they disagree tell them "the customer is always right" and if they still complain say "I want to speak to your manager this instant!"

EDIT: I think you had like a second hand one or a duff one as mine has never been bad when talking to people(it's actually really good) and have never had proplems with the slide like vimto says it is very smooth.

This post was edited on 08-02-2006 at 04:49 PM by vaccination.
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08-02-2006 04:47 PM
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O.P. RE: Someone has a Samsung D500?
hmm i had a sundaymodel :p all protecting-stickers were on it and the box was sealed. I made a complaint to the head of the shop. He said that all phones that are being returned within 7days should be exchanged. So now he's getting tot the bottom of this and i hope there is going to be a solution
But that is my opinion!

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08-02-2006 05:08 PM
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RE: Someone has a Samsung D500?
Hmm, well lets hope you get it sorted. Still i don't really see how they can fix the slide thing as it seems like the back is all worn, in which case they would have to replace that part of the phone which seems to me being pointless as you might as well just get a new one, oh well when will they learn . :P

f you get the same one back and it is faulty make sure you get a new one and make a BIG fuss. :)
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08-02-2006 05:47 PM
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O.P. RE: Someone has a Samsung D500?
well, i'll get the crap out of this guy and i won't need to wait for a new phone until mine arrives that's for what i'm concerned :)
But that is my opinion!

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08-02-2006 05:55 PM
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O.P. RE: Someone has a Samsung D500?
Phoned back to the head of the shop, and he said that the crew didn't knew weather there was a softwaremistake, or the phone itself was faulty. I said there was already the lastest software on it, and it was scouring during sliding somewhere. Then he said that there were proceduremistakes, and that i should have gotten a new one, but on the other hand, they tought it was the software and that's not really a bad handset, it just needs an update and needs to be sent back to samsung. So then you can discuss about what's right to do. But he says, theoriticly that i should have gotten another one, as this is not normal behaviour for a D500. He will phone me this week a couple of times to keep me updated about what's happening to the phone, and then, within 2 weeks when i get it back, i must use it until the problem occurs again, which probably will (his words) and then he will arange an exchange immediately, as he says i should have gotten a new one in the first place, that's more as normal.

So the shop tries to do the right thing, but i'm still as f*cked as i was, i have no phone for 14 days, and i'll have to go back to the shop 3 times (which is 1hour driving). And still no guarantee that i'll get a fresh one, i have a feeling this phone (which i worked a week for) is going to cause me a hartattack. God i wish i went to the local shop :) didn't knew that the big shops handle the most trouble

This post was edited on 08-03-2006 at 02:33 PM by Exca.
But that is my opinion!

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08-03-2006 02:30 PM
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RE: Someone has a Samsung D500?
Originally posted by Dazmatic
I had one of them and the screen kept going snowy like on a tv. my reiend had one and the memory burnt out and it was new, my uncle had one and it melted... :|

they were all brand new and only about 3 or 4 weeks old... samsung phones are crap.


* Dazmatic calms down..

Your area just has crap surpliers. :P

I have had mine for at least a half a year and i have never had a problem with it.

Btw exca i think you should just get a new one straight away instead of fanning about. It is a faulty one and it is only going to break again, make the guy(he sounds nice and reliable) to get you a fresh new one.

I have to admit though sony erricson are teh best
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08-03-2006 04:48 PM
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