A few days ago I found out that you could write your own scripts for Msg+. I found this verry interesting so I took a go at it...
Now, I'm a fairly good Flash-Developer and Flash uses ActionScript, which is (syntax-wise) a lot like JavaScript / JScript.
Normally, I can easily figure things out for myself, using the helpfiles. The problem is: I just can't work with those msdn help files

As my second script (my first was a simple /doSomething command), I wanted to write a little count down. Like: "5", "4", "3", "2", "1", "Happy newyear". (With a few seconds between every message).
I searched around a little and I found that this could be done with 'AddTimer' and 'OnTimer' (or atleast, that should give me a starting point).
So, first, I open up the msdn JScript reference (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/script56/html/4a29a831-41c9-4843-9385-c3879e385585.asp) Since a Timer wouldn't be a method of an object, I clicked 'functions'. To my regret, there were only a few functions there... nothing about a timer class / function.
I also searched through the classes and methods, but I can't find anything about a timer. I also did a search for 'AddTimer', but that gave me some results about a CWorkerThread and CNoWorkerThread class. (And those are classes from the Visual C++ libraries or ATL Server).
I can't find out how to do a proper search (only within the JScript language reference) and I really can't find anything about a timer in the language references.
If you've read untill this point: Thank you! And it would even be nicer if someone could tell me how those damn msdn helpfiles work... (It would save you a lot of time, since I wouldn't be asking questions if I could find it for myself).
Ps: I've also used Visual Studio (with VBA I think) and those were also msdn helpfiles. Those helpfiles were crappy too, but at least they were more clear then these JScript help files...
Any thoughts please??