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Detect Messenger Plus?
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O.P. Detect Messenger Plus?
I did a quick search about this, but found nothing...

Is there a way to detect if the contact you are talking to is using Messenger Plus?  Does it alter anything about WLM such as the version number or add some kind of identifier?  I'm just asking because a script I'm working on can send colour codes, but if the contact doesn't have Plus! they just see the tags. I'd just like a way to make certain.

(Did think about reading registry keys for Messenger Plus, but the contact would need to have the script installed too...)
<Eljay> "Problems encountered: shit blew up" :zippy:
08-11-2006 05:24 PM
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RE: Detect Messenger Plus?
I believe there is a script of this already out.
I saw it a while ago..
08-11-2006 05:27 PM
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RE: Detect Messenger Plus?
AFAIK, The only way you can know if a contact has Plus! installed is by using the /Ping command in a conversation with them.

If they have Messenger Plus! installed, then you will get a response along the lines of:  Pong! [2 secs]

However, I think there was an option somewhere in Plus! 3x that enabled you to disable replying to Ping commands (this has apparently been removed from MP!L), so it may not always be accurate.

Hope this helps...

Some people may not want other people knowing if they have Plus! installed, hence why no 'invisible' method has been implemented (as it could be considered a breach of privacy), although it has been suggested before.

[Image: chickennana.gif] Vaccy is my thin twin! [Image: chickennana.gif]
08-11-2006 05:36 PM
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O.P. RE: Detect Messenger Plus?
Ok thanks anyway... I'll see what I can do. I could make it ping everybody at once on startup and save the responses :D Anybody have an idea what happens if you ping someone and they don't have Plus? Would they see a message (or would they see one if they had it anyway?)
<Eljay> "Problems encountered: shit blew up" :zippy:
08-11-2006 05:39 PM
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RE: Detect Messenger Plus?
It just doesn't Pong, from my knowledge.
08-11-2006 05:39 PM
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RE: Detect Messenger Plus?
Originally posted by SpunkyLoveMuff
Anybody have an idea what happens if you ping someone and they don't have Plus? Would they see a message (or would they see one if they had it anyway?)
Both people with and without Plus! will always see a message, no way around that.

Only the messenger of people with Plus! will respond with a pong after x seconds (<= can vary a lot), provided they do have enabled the respons option.

Note that you can not see what version of Plus! they have.

BBCode-style format/color codes are not compatible with Plus!3, so people using Plus!3 will not see the colors, but the raw tags instead.

IRC-style format/color codes are compatible with Plus!3. Both users of Plus! and Plus!Live will see the colors.

This post was edited on 08-11-2006 at 05:50 PM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
08-11-2006 05:48 PM
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