hiya please can someone tell me how to make a valid Messenger Plus! Script Pack ... i have put the .vs file into a zip folder and also have put a xml file....
this is what my js. file has in it:
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* "Space Replacer - New"
* This script is provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind. Dont forget
* that. This file is written by Mitul and you can do
* whatever you want with this code as long as you retain this notice.
* Have fun using it !
* version 1.0 - New
* Mitul <mit_18@hotmail.co.uk>
* /Freely inspired
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function OnEvent_ChatWndSendMessage(ChatWnd,Message){
while(Message.indexOf(" ")!=-1)Message=Message.replace(" ", "
return Message;
and my ScriptInfo.xml file has this in it:
<Description>Space Replacer</Description>
then i changed the extension to plsc and when i double clicked on it it said
"The file you tried to load does not appear to be a alid Messenger Plus! script pack."
how do i ressole this problem ... can someone give me a helping hand in this matter as i want this to so badly work - if possible can one of you actually give me a nother example which i can copy and paste and see if that works... please someone help me