Sorry if this isn't completely Messenger Plus related, I don't know where else to ask though.
Appearantly, my computer doesn't allow sharing folders. It gives me 2 problems, I can't access this computers (Acer Laptop) files in my home network(Lynksis Router) through other computers, but I can acess files in other computers with this laptop.
Also, whenever I try to create a Shared Folder with a MSN Contact, It gives me the message that this computer doesn't have Sharing Folders enabled. It leads me to the MSN Help & Support page, however there's no info there that I could find about how to enable my laptop to do so.
I would appreciate it if anyone could help me out, thanks in advance.

Here's some additional info if it helps, from msn:
Windows XP Service Pack 2 (5.1.2600)
Windows Live Messenger 8.00.0792
Messenger Plus! Live