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Time spent on one convo
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O.P. Time spent on one convo
Hello, is there a feature in Live Plus that allows me to look at how long I've been talking to this person from a specific date TO a specific date.

so for example

I talk to test@hotmail.com everyday

I check something in MSG Plus and it shows me the duration of chat during the month July to August.

Thanks :D

(if there isnt a feature like this...how can i suggest it so someone could make a script out of it?)

thanks again :P
08-21-2006 12:43 AM
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RE: Time spent on one convo
There isn't a function like this.

And to suggest to make a script out of it, you simply suggest it, like you actually just did ;)

There are two ways the script could work:
1) by analyzing the chatlogs of you and that contact. In that way you will also know how long you talked to that contact including previous chats in the past. And you will also be able to determine how long you have chatted with that person from date1 to date2... But this is very hard to do correctly.

2) A far more easier way is to use a script specific timer and store that value for each contact you talk to. With this you can't check how long you chatted between dates in the past, nor can you know how long you have chatted in the past. It will only work from the time you start using this script up to the current time.
But this is very easy to make...

So now, it is up to some developper to see this and to make it....


This post was edited on 08-21-2006 at 02:32 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
08-21-2006 02:31 AM
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