This project was never completed due to a reason now forgotten, we apologize for the delay, 3 years later
I though we should start something fun
As the title says, if you want to take part in this
If you want to take part this is what will happen
You will PM me your address (

I will come rape you

) <3 Just Kidding
Anyways, once you PM me I will add your forum name to the list below.
Once I have enough names I will group people with people, I will give someone their address, and give the other person their address.
So you are exchanging letters (or postcards if you are lazy and don't want envalopes or whatever)
You will then mail eachother a letter or postcard....saying a love note, hi note or something else and at the end you will admit who you are
for example
Dear Mystery,
I love you and want your babies,
From, SonicSpam
and what I get in the mail
Dear Mystery,
I want some cookies, email me some kthx.
From, Chrono
so then me and Chrono can go on WLM and be like "ZOMG I GOT LAIK UR LETTAR, HERE SOME COOKAIZZZZZ"
And then everyone is happy
This is going to be pretty fun
So once again this is how it goes
PM me all valid information but name
for example....a pm should look like this
Mr Mystery (fake name - Do not pm me real name as some people might know who you are)
1010 Data Lane (real info here - address)
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada (real info here - City, Province/State/whatever
, Country)
K11V9H (real info here - postal code)
So maybe that was from me to myself....I would add SonicSpam to the botom, once I have 2 names, I will group them, and reply to eachother via pm with their seperate addresses.
If you forgot to include a Mystery Name like DAKAMINI or something
I will find a name
PS: You cannot wait to get the card from the other person then send yours...because that is cheap and is not...mysterious
Lets get the fun started
Addresses Given
SonicSpam (If I have a uneven number of people

traxor (lol
