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I can't start Plus!(Use sockcsap) why?
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O.P. I can't start Plus!(Use sockcsap) why?
I already install Plus!

when I click "start" -> "program" -> "MSN 8.0", that's ok, Plus! will in the msn live menu.


when I start the "Sockscap32" -> and click the "msn 8.0", I can open the msn windows, but no Plus! menu ....

ps: socksccap32 is a proxy software. and plus! 3.4 is works with sockscap32.

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09-01-2006 07:52 AM
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RE: I can't start Plus!(Use sockcsap) why?
It's best to just run Windows Live Messenger normally, not from any proxy software.

That's how your suppost to run it, not with any proxy software, so I doubt you will get any support with that, as it's not the way your 'suppost' to run WLM and Plus! Live.

You might want to read the SocksCap FAQ for answers.
Twitter: @ChrisLozeau
09-01-2006 07:59 AM
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RE: I can't start Plus!(Use sockcsap) why?

The way Plus!Live hooks into Windows Live Messenger is different than how Plus!3 hooked into MSN Messenger.

Plus!Live hooks WLM by using a technique where a system DLL file is placed inside the directory of WLM. This system DLL file is actually the loader of Plus!.

Each program in Windows uses many system DLLs and usually those DLLs are located in your Windows system directory. It is from there that those DLLs are loaded.

But if such a system DLL is also located in the program's directory, that DLL is loaded.

In other words, when a program starts and it needs a system DLL, Windows will first look into the program's directory for the system DLL and if it isn't found in the Windows system directory.

Plus!Live uses this Windows behaviour to load itself into WLM. Hence why you don't need to start an extra program like you had to do in Plus!3 for it to load.

The technique is very common to use....


Now, the cause of Plus!Live not loading with sockccap32 can be the following.

note: these are just -calculated- guesses, I don't know socksccap32, nor how it works, but I'll reply to what you've said about it. If it doesn't apply to socksccap32, it may apply to many other applications which load other applications. And thus can cause the exact same fault.

- because of the hooking technique described above, WLM must be started up from its program directory (useually c:\program files\msn messenger) in order to let it load that special system DLL.

If WLM is started up from another directory, that special system DLL isn't found as Windows is looking for the system DLL in the wrong directory.

- Another cause can be that socksccap32 loads WLM in its own memory space, aka it loads WLM as a child application of his own.

This means that the main application is still socksccap32 and not WLM. Therefore, Plus!Live's loader doesn't reconize WLM as it is looking at the main application name, and not at the childs'.


The only one who can answer this properly is Patchou himself I guess...

This post was edited on 09-01-2006 at 08:16 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
09-01-2006 08:10 AM
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