Not sure exactly where to put this, but this seemed the best place. This is a UserJS script for Opera,
NOT MsgPlus. This script will format the [ code ] blocks and attempt to tidy them up. It will fail to organize it if the code has obvious errors(bad if's, bad declares, etc). It will also remove the most common smiley's from the box and replace them with text. One thing that still doesn't work (and I can't make it work) is the preservation of /* multiline */ comments. May also expand the page with really long lines.
1) Setup UserJS if it isn't already.
"To enable user JavaScript, use Tools > Preferences > Advanced > Content > JavaScript options, and select the directory where you will put your User JavaScript files. Opera will load all files in the specified directory whose names end with .js and will use them as User JavaScript files. If a file name ends with .user.js it will be assumed to use Greasemonkey notation."
2) Unzip the file to your UserJS folder.
3) Double click the page to tidy the js.