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Which religion am I?
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O.P. Which religion am I?
Basically, I'm trying to figure out which religion I belong to.

First of all, the choices:

  • Atheist - firm belief that there is no God
  • Agnostic - belief that since God's existence can't be proved, religion is irrelevant to life
  • Irreligious - lack of religion and/or hostility to religion

And here is how I think:

The claim that there must have been a God to create the universe, because nothing can exist without a creator, is highly flawed. If the universe needed a creator (i.e., God) then the creator needed a creator. If this creator didn't have a creator, but just "existed", then that raises the possibility of the universe already existing, in a "tremendously dense and hot state about 13.7 billion years ago". There no longer is a need for a creator.

I am also hostile towards religion. I hate religion. Maybe I am irreligious?

I don't know which one I belong to.

NOTE: I'm not trying to start a stupid religion debate. And if anyone dares to say or even think that I'm narrow-minded then all I have to say to you is this: provide me with one credible piece of evidence that there is a God, something that hasn't come out of someone else's mouth, and I'll open my mind. I will. Until then, no.

This post was edited on 09-15-2006 at 09:35 AM by segosa.
The previous sentence is false. The following sentence is true.
09-14-2006 03:07 PM
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RE: Which religion am I?
Do you belive there is any higher being... God, designer aliens, Earth Mother etc.? If you don't, you are a atheist, if you do you are irreligious. Can you be one of those and agnostic at the same time? No idea, but if you can, then that is a different story.
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09-14-2006 03:13 PM
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RE: Which religion am I?
Find something that makes you happy, as long as you are happy, believe what you want. The belief in God is keeping people alive (and also killing people), whatever makes you feel whole, you should do.
09-14-2006 03:16 PM
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RE: Which religion am I?
I think irreligious encoumpases the other two so I would say you fit that one better.

I would like to know of a religion that hails beer for its magical ability of lowering inhibitions, does anyone know something like that?  I know there's an anti-beer movement (Alcoholics Anonymous) but that doesn't help me.  Mayb I belong to AAA (anti-alcoholics anonymous [Image: msn_tongue.gif])
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09-14-2006 03:16 PM
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RE: Which religion am I?
I would say that I am irreligious (well now I've seen your definitions I would, because I have a lot of hostility toward religion :P Always thought of myself as atheist before). I don't neccessarily go by the lack of evidence FOR religion as you do, it's more the abundance of "evidence" (there - the quotation marks protect me against dodgy religious people being picky :P) AGAINST religion.

Sure, there's no hard proof of either, but there's not one ounce of anything, apart from a book written thousands of years ago (yeah, not every religion, I know) to say that religion is a realistic option towards which to dedicate your actions and your life.

I am by no means narrow minded, and have listened to every argument imaginable for why my opinions are wrong, but the fact remains that it is a totally, totally bizarre thing. It's unlike anything else at all - it's like many years ago people believed in witchcraft, but then science has tought us that the thought of witches is absurd, and everybody has accepted that, because they can see that it is logical. The same should be true with religion, but because there's been a few books/documents written about the religion (bible, torah, etc etc), people seem to refuse to let go of the idea, even though science (if you wanna tell me "science is still just theories", go jump off your roof and tell me gravity is nothing but a theory) completely states that the idea of creationism and the existance of gods is ridiculous.

A friend of a friend at college had a badge that said "I believe in Jesus". Not wanting to start an argument about it, because I would have gone on for hours, I asked her what exactly it was that made her believe in Christianity. She told me that it was the thought that she would go to heaven when she died, and live on after death. I think this perfectly sums up the majority of believers of, mostly, Christianity. (I see Christianity of one of the weak religions. Whilst I still disagree with them, I at least have a form of respect for religions such as Islam, who clearly do not base their beliefs on the thought that when they die, they can go and see Grandpa). It's a lovely idea, yeah, but maybe that's why I don't follow Christianity (as I was raised in a very Christian environment and went to a Christian school, so don't say I don't have the facts, or haven't given religion a chance :P) - because I quite prefer the idea of dying, then rotting, then nothing. The idea of eternal life doesn't sound all that appealing to me, personally. Some people evidently need this reassurance though, hence the phrase I used to have in my sig - "Christianity is a crutch for the weak minded" *.

I could say more, but you're probably getting bored of me. Congratulations if you bothered reading all of this :P

And segosa, in reponse to your question, I would say you are irreligious :P

*  -  I removed it when I got a PM stating "Christianity is NOT a crutch for the weak minded". Way to argue your case (y) (I removed it so I wasn't subjected to more ridiculousness like this :P)
09-14-2006 03:40 PM
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RE: Which religion am I?
I feel that there is no God, however I find it hard to believe that there is nothing after life. As we cannot imagine nothing, we can't just disappear, if you think about "nothingness" you're actually thinking about something.

However, my official religion is Catholic.
09-14-2006 03:40 PM
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RE: Which religion am I?
I'm fully fledged Catholic..
(Except i dont go to church much...)

but i find the idea of god to be a safety blanket for people who are too narrow minded to understand that some questions dont have answers.

09-14-2006 03:49 PM
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RE: Which religion am I?
Surely if you believe in no God then you do not belong to any religion.
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09-14-2006 04:02 PM
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RE: Which religion am I?
Originally posted by Lourix
Surely if you believe in no God then you do not belong to any religion.

I cannot change the first 12 years of my life
09-14-2006 04:04 PM
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RE: Which religion am I?
Originally posted by Stigmata
I cannot change the first 12 years of my life

Sure you can. I've been baptised, gone to the world's most horribly Christian primary school, and been brought up around many many Christians, and I hate religion more than anyone :P
09-14-2006 04:08 PM
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