I would say that I am irreligious (well now I've seen your definitions I would, because I have a lot of hostility toward religion

Always thought of myself as atheist before). I don't neccessarily go by the lack of evidence FOR religion as you do, it's more the abundance of "evidence" (there - the quotation marks protect me against dodgy religious people being picky

) AGAINST religion.
Sure, there's no
hard proof of either, but there's not one ounce of anything, apart from a book written thousands of years ago (yeah, not every religion, I know) to say that religion is a realistic option towards which to dedicate your actions and your life.
I am by no means narrow minded, and have listened to every argument imaginable for why my opinions are wrong, but the fact remains that it is a totally, totally bizarre thing. It's unlike anything else at all - it's like many years ago people believed in witchcraft, but then science has tought us that the thought of witches is absurd, and everybody has accepted that, because they can see that it is logical. The same should be true with religion, but because there's been a few books/documents written about the religion (bible, torah, etc etc), people seem to refuse to let go of the idea, even though science (if you wanna tell me "science is still just theories", go jump off your roof and tell me gravity is nothing but a theory) completely states that the idea of creationism and the existance of gods is ridiculous.
A friend of a friend at college had a badge that said "I believe in Jesus". Not wanting to start an argument about it, because I would have gone on for hours, I asked her what exactly it was that made her believe in Christianity. She told me that it was the thought that she would go to heaven when she died, and live on after death. I think this perfectly sums up the majority of believers of, mostly, Christianity. (I see Christianity of one of the weak religions. Whilst I still disagree with them, I at least have a form of respect for religions such as Islam, who clearly do not base their beliefs on the thought that when they die, they can go and see Grandpa). It's a lovely idea, yeah, but maybe that's why I don't follow Christianity (as I was raised in a very Christian environment and went to a Christian school, so don't say I don't have the facts, or haven't given religion a chance

) - because I quite prefer the idea of dying, then rotting, then nothing. The idea of eternal life doesn't sound all that appealing to me, personally. Some people evidently need this reassurance though, hence the phrase I used to have in my sig - "Christianity is a crutch for the weak minded" *.
I could say more, but you're probably getting bored of me. Congratulations if you bothered reading all of this
And segosa, in reponse to your question, I would say you are irreligious
* - I removed it when I got a PM stating "Christianity is NOT a crutch for the weak minded". Way to argue your case

(I removed it so I wasn't subjected to more ridiculousness like this
