#1well ive been making a bot u can add zerounderscore@hotmail.com if u want to try it out or w/e
function OnEvent_ChatWndDestroyed(ChatWnd)
ChatWnd.SendMessage("You better not even think about closing the window dude!!");OnEvent_ChatWndDestroyed
The OnEvent_ChatWndDestroyed event is fired when a chat window is destroyed.
[object] ChatWnd
[object] Reference to the ChatWnd object attached to the chat generating the event.
Return Value
No value has to be returned by this event.
Event Information
Event Source Windows Live Messenger
Availability Messenger Plus! Live 4.00
When contact closes window it still works and DOES NOT OPEN A NEW WINDOW!
so i guess this could be impleneted still
BUT i need a way given the current window
ChatWnd to get the contact's email who I am talking to..
that way I could use the open window
function OnEvent_ContactSignin(Email)
ChatWnd.SendMessage("Hi there my best friend.. How u doin today

#2 What is the escape charaacter
like for example
normally to reply to a user message i use
if(Message.match(/(^|\s+)(\*)?you suck(d|s)?(\*)?($|\s+)/i)!=null)
ChatWnd.SendMessage("no you do!");
but if the user says like
(gives a nudge)
i can't get it to work because the slash is reserved
lowercase copy is a simple copycat
basically its one "function" that i would be using in my artificial intelligence
since i don't want to ask well in pseudocode
if (message == "hello")
do this
else if (message=="Hello")
do this