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[split] Origin to email?
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O.P. RE: Origin to email?
your code worked like a charm for my bot good stuff
lol one step closer to smarterchild lol..
the only thing is i can't exactly make an online or internally stored database(don't know how)
to resolve people's emails to their real name or "nickname"
that the bot can greet them with.
I could of course hard code the "emails" in...but I rather let it say
"what is your name"
(get name)
then the bot remembers the name
and then they can perhaps change their name if there so foolish as to type a wrong name or w/e

09-22-2006 04:27 AM
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RE: Origin to email?
Originally posted by xsouldeath
your code worked like a charm for my bot good stuff
lol one step closer to smarterchild lol..
the only thing is i can't exactly make an online or internally stored database(don't know how)
to resolve people's emails to their real name or "nickname"
that the bot can greet them with.
I could of course hard code the "emails" in...but I rather let it say
"what is your name"
(get name)
then the bot remembers the name
and then they can perhaps change their name if there so foolish as to type a wrong name or w/e
I think you don't understand what the Origin parameter is. It is the screen name of the contact which send the message. This should not be stored in an "internal database" at all as this can and will change. Let alone you should ask "what is your name" for a greeting as that has got nothing todo with Origin.

As we have suggested in your other thread, before starting to make scripts, learn the basic scripting principles. This includes the available methods, properties and objects and what they all do.

Sorry to say it but you seem to be a runner who don't know how to walk and don't know what a shoe is or how to put it on (so to speak).

Don't take this offensive, we are here to help you. But if you don't first learn how to do things properly and don't understand the basics involved you will have one problem after the other (as it already shows in your other thread) all the time.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
09-22-2006 05:56 AM
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O.P. RE: Origin to email?
well i have a pretty good script going..the only ppl who criticize it are 1) geniuses 2) people who expect the msn bot to autodownload multiplayer game hacks and download the game client too :S how pathetic.
well my game code was flawed its a basic word scrambler(text game obviuosly)
however when they pretty much reach the last level it doesn't quite tell them theyve one despite an if statement or whatever

the game itself is 3 sections of code ill put the source code i guess if im really lost
the real problem for me is tesitng the script
i see the debugging and stuff
but when i tell the bot to play the game
it responds to itself  :) which destroys the game =(

09-22-2006 06:13 AM
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RE: RE: Origin to email?
Originally posted by xsouldeath
well i have a pretty good script going..the only ppl who criticize it are 1) geniuses 2) people who expect the msn bot to autodownload multiplayer game hacks and download the game client too :S how pathetic.
I'm sorry to say this but your script is far from "good".

And anybody who knows a little scripting (you don't need to be a genious for that) can see this in the source.

The idea behind the script is good and fun though (y), but the code is far from it (n). Hence why people suggest you to learn the basics and start with basic stuff before creating something like you created.

Again, this is not to put you down at all. This is to try and teach you to do stuff in steps and to hold you back a bit. Because it only seems you bluntly ignore the suggestions we gave and still continue to post about your bot and what new features it has and what not.

First fix even the basic stuff you have as even that is already flawed.

As it is know you only teach yourself the wrong stuff; you wont understand or can't fix the basic problems you have; and in the end you teach also other people who want to learn scripting very bad techniques and code.

This post was edited on 09-22-2006 at 11:05 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
09-22-2006 11:05 AM
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O.P. RE: Origin to email?
welsomething I can fix the game play allows only one user at a time
but if i grab the users email from the chat window and use an array for the game variables i bleieve it would would for multiple users.
09-22-2006 01:25 PM
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RE: [split] Origin to email?
If you're doing any type of bot I recommend you download the script I sent here

I believe I made some functions that might help you since both scripts are bots.

Have fun
09-22-2006 09:47 PM
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RE: [split] Origin to email?
Heh my bots coming along thanks to all of the help i got from tehse forums...

It learns!
its still glitchy but getting less so

Basically when someone says something then I say something it saves that to a file.

After that when anyone says the word it learned it replies with teh reply it learned!

Its become immensly popular among my friends, who love spamming it(and teaching but mostly spamming)

The problem is that it learns after one try. The next thing i need to fix is that the same thing needs to be repeated twice for it to work, not once. I have a lot of really random replies in the database.
09-22-2006 11:39 PM
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