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TCP packets
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O.P. TCP packets

I been playing with tcp conections to get my msgs from msn from the tcp packets.. as far as snifing them and using them in what I want goes I did fine. Now on a second stage I'm trying to have my program send myself packets but I can't seem to achieve that.

How should one do to comunicate with the same port that msn uses to RECEIVE my msgs?


edit: Going through the packets lead me nowhere. Changed my aproach to hooking directx dlls and it's looking good right now. Managed to send a msg to the game now I need to learn how to retrieve msgs from MSN Live. If anyone was interested :)

This post was edited on 10-12-2006 at 05:56 PM by Deco.
10-10-2006 08:42 PM
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RE: TCP packets
Originally posted by Deco
How should one do to comunicate with the same port that msn uses to RECEIVE my msgs?
The port you see on your end in netstat is just an endpoint of a TCP connection.  Injecting packets into the stream of an established TCP connection without dropping it is very difficult and not a practical way to approach this.

It would be much easier to program a proxy, if you have an actual need to do this.
10-10-2006 09:31 PM
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O.P. RE: TCP packets
Thanks for replying. I've been searching about this for a week and you're the first to actually say something.

I'll see what I can find about programming a proxy.

Do you mind if I PM you with my findings or any further questions I might have in the way?

Thanks a lot.
10-10-2006 10:00 PM
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RE: TCP packets
Socket hooks are not practical, as adeptus said. Proxies do not work for everyone and often mess things up if done incorrectly...but they're your best bet.
10-10-2006 10:04 PM
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O.P. RE: TCP packets
Ok maybe if I tell you guys what I'm trying to do it'll be easier for you guys to tell me what's the intelligent aproach.

I've got this full screen game that I play through the internet. My problem is that I need to alt-tab so I can reply to msn.

I've found that sniffing my own packets I can send msgs to people from inside the game. If I just say something like "test@test.com: hey buddy" inside the game and catch the string in the outgoing packet I could isolate the msg with RegExp and whatnot and send it to the person I wanted to through msn plus script. Now the reverse is turning out to be quite difficult. The server (or the other player) sends messages in the same fashion but I couldn't send a packet to the port of the game.

I could only see two ways of doing this: 1 - messing with the incoming packets (first guess was just sendin my own packets to the port and now through a proxy) 2 - messing with the screen and directx so I could have a box or alert with the messages.

I thought going through the packets would be easier but maybe I'm wrong.

What do you guys think?

If you don't mind, please add me on msn so I can pick your brains :)

addy is pentadieno at yahoo dot com
10-10-2006 10:46 PM
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RE: TCP packets
You could also use Xfire.
[Image: 1-0.png]
10-11-2006 12:02 AM
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