is it possible to create a script that counts down in a little timer at the top left hand corner of the WLM screen and if the person signed in is it logs them off when the timer gets to 0.
It should be possible seeing as you can use the #1# countdown to use the /signout feature. So yeah, definitely possible and it really should be amazingly hard to make.
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RE: msn block countdown
Wouldn't be too hard... Use the same method as the Timezone script to create a Child Window that can display information (in this case a countdown timer). Set the timer to xx seconds/minutes/hours andget it to update the child window. If time left == 0 and Messenger.MyEmail == "", signout...
Posts: 3656 Reputation: 61
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RE: msn block countdown
I think I COULD do it, with time, but I'm swamped right now building a web page for someone and got work and other stuff Someone will do it though, I'm sure
PS: If it's not done within a week or two, I'll give it a bash
Posts: 3656 Reputation: 61
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RE: msn block countdown
Ok. Before I start I want to point out that this is just a bastardized version of Shondoit's Timezone script. It has been modified to display the time remaining rather than the current time. This means the commands to move the counter are still available and still work.
There are 2 variables that may be openly edited by the user inside the script file.
1) The email address of the "banned" user
2) How many minutes they are allowed to be online
When the time remaining gets down to one minute, it is displayed in seconds. The user will be logged out when the seconds remaining reaches zero. However, they can obviously still just log back in. What I might add in a later version is a function that keeps signing them out until another user has logged in.
The best part of this script is that, unless you are the banned user, you will not have the little window open and it will not start any timers etc.
Attachment:Auto-Signout.plsc (6.04 KB) This file has been downloaded 174 time(s).
JimboDude, instead of trying to find ways to keep your sister of your MSN Messenger (how many threads have you already created with such related requests? ), why don't you make her her own Windows account? Or even password protect the whole computer (password on startup, see bios settings)...
This post was edited on 10-16-2006 at 11:25 PM by CookieRevised.
quote:Originally posted by CookieRevised
JimboDude, instead of trying to find ways to keep your sister of your MSN Messenger (how many threads have you already created with such related requests? ), why don't you make her her own Windows account? Or even password protect the whole computer (password on startup, see bios settings)...
lol, ok
Thanks spunky for the script.
maybe you could add this in somewhere so it made a 24 hour gap between signins