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Manipulating 'following could not be sent'
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O.P. Manipulating 'following could not be sent'
Hi, having being an msn junkie for a few years im no stranger to those 'the following messages could not be sent' messages. This normally happens with connection problems or msn just being msn, but some days back an annoying contact of mine had difficulty getting through to me. Apparently his msn was telling him that his messages could not be sent. Luckily i had escaped him that day (dont want to block him, he knows half my contacts and things would get complicated if he found out he was blocked). I couldnt help but think about it.. so does any one know how to induce this error on someone's messenger, i.e. make their msns tell them their messages cannot be sent to me.

Of course i am talking about modifying my msn/computer.. not his!

i'm running Windows Live Messenger.

10-21-2006 06:17 AM
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RE: Manipulating 'following could not be sent'
This is possible but only if you have your name at the front, so first get Messenger Plus Live if you don't have it already. Then get this emoticon [Image: messagenotsend13om.gif] and add it to Messenger, then go into Messenger Plus Live preferences  > Conversations > Quick Texts and then make a new one and type this for the message: "/me <put shortcut of custom emoticon here> The following message could not be delivered to all recipients" and then do the shortcut in the conversation window and it should work. And you can also change the message so it says stuff like Antony slaps your contacts name and stuff like that.
[Image: Zahid.png]
10-21-2006 07:58 AM
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RE: Manipulating 'following could not be sent'
Originally posted by Zahid™
This is possible but only if you have your name at the front, so first get Messenger Plus Live if you don't have it already. Then get this emoticon [Image: messagenotsend13om.gif] and add it to Messenger, then go into Messenger Plus Live preferences  > Conversations > Quick Texts and then make a new one and type this for the message: "/me <put shortcut of custom emoticon here> The following message could not be delivered to all recipients" and then do the shortcut in the conversation window and it should work. And you can also change the message so it says stuff like Antony slaps your contacts name and stuff like that.
That could work, however there is a line before, and after the message :P
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10-21-2006 10:10 AM
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RE: Manipulating 'following could not be sent'
Originally posted by Mike
Originally posted by Zahid™
This is possible but only if you have your name at the front, so first get Messenger Plus Live if you don't have it already. Then get this emoticon [Image: messagenotsend13om.gif] and add it to Messenger, then go into Messenger Plus Live preferences  > Conversations > Quick Texts and then make a new one and type this for the message: "/me <put shortcut of custom emoticon here> The following message could not be delivered to all recipients" and then do the shortcut in the conversation window and it should work. And you can also change the message so it says stuff like Antony slaps your contacts name and stuff like that.
That could work, however there is a line before, and after the message [Image: msn_tongue.gif]
Exactly, you need to make it an action text by either using a *.dll or wait until StuffPlug is released to be able to do this properly.  Though your example could at least give a non-observative user the idea that it didn't get sent.  Although you might get spammed the message if it keeps saying it couldn't be sent to you.
[Image: markee.png]
10-21-2006 02:23 PM
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RE: Manipulating 'following could not be sent'
You cannot use custom emoticons in action text. They will come out as the original text instead of the icon.
10-21-2006 02:54 PM
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RE: Manipulating 'following could not be sent'
Originally posted by TheSteve
You cannot use custom emoticons in action text. They will come out as the original text instead of the icon.

[Image: errnopf5.png]

(Bambi is my wlm nick, don't ask why :P)

This post was edited on 10-21-2006 at 04:00 PM by vaccination.
[Image: jumbled.png]
10-21-2006 03:58 PM
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RE: RE: Manipulating 'following could not be sent'
Originally posted by TheSteve
You cannot use custom emoticons in action text. They will come out as the original text instead of the icon.

? :S It works for me.

Originally posted by vaccination
[Image: errnopf5.png]

(Bambi is my wlm nick, don't ask why :P)

Edit: For some reason i can't see vaccinations image :S.

This post was edited on 10-21-2006 at 04:55 PM by Zahid™.
[Image: Zahid.png]
10-21-2006 04:22 PM
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O.P. RE: RE: Manipulating 'following could not be sent'
Originally posted by Puniksem
Just a suggestion:
Sometimes I get random messenger problems that seem inexplicable, I remove Norton's firewall 'program rule' for messenger, and restart messenger. for some strange reason, it seems to clear some of the inexplainable connection issues.

Lol.. What are you suggesting?

Well i had the same problem with ZoneAlarm. I managed to overide the IM security and all was normal again without letting down my firewall.

The emoticon method is nice but seems makeshift. I was wondering since plugins can detect opened convos to cetain accuracy i guess like this..

contact's msn: 'iv opened a convo with you'
(spying plugin gets this)
local msn: 'ok, ready to recieve'
contact's msn '#$%#$%MSGDATA%$^$'

and the spying plugin tells you they've opened/closed a convo.

if msn works like this (i have no idea, just a theory):

contact's msn: 'sending data $#%#MSGDATA#$#$%'
local msn: 'got it'
contact's msn knows (message sent)

then u could get something to not reply back. If its all ping-pong, then getting control of the reply where ur msn doesnt reply to the msn contact's 'got the message', then i assume they'd get a genuine "contact could not recieve message" error :D.

does anyone know how the code of this or how it actually works?
10-22-2006 12:41 AM
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RE: Manipulating 'following could not be sent'
Originally posted by Antony
does anyone know how the code of this or how it actually works?
You are correct that it is a kind of ping-pong....

Only the plugins and other tools which detect open convos don't do the "ping-pong". They only listen to the "pings". They actually only eavesdrop on the conversation. They can't mingle with it, as they don't know the language which is spoken. Nor can they stop any participant from speaking as they aren't physically in the room. All they know is they have to jump up and down when they hear the word "YabbaDoodle".


So, eavesdropping is far easier than actually participating into the conversation.

To mingle with the conversation you need to know what the language is, what the syntax is (you need to talk with full sentences of course), how to react on it, etc. This is far from strait forward. But not impossible though.

In order to do this you need to create a proxy. With the use of that proxy you can then inject your own protocol messages or decline some messages (such as the ones you want).

A similar request and discussion is held here:

This post was edited on 10-22-2006 at 01:50 AM by CookieRevised.
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
10-22-2006 01:47 AM
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O.P. RE: Manipulating 'following could not be sent'
I see what you mean, CookieRevised, about the mingling with conversations idea, but I want to know how if at all possible we can modify msn by any scripts, plugins, tricks, or other code to make a certain instant message sender unable to communicate with my msn and make it look like a connection problem (6), i.e. have them get the old 'message could not be sent' message. I was speculating about pingpong where the 'pong' represented the coded reply from the im recipient to the sender that the message had been successfully recieved. I was theorising that if we could block this 'pong', we could induce a 'message could not be sent' message on their convo. My question is how, if this is the case, do we stop this 'pong' (and thus make certain contacts stop bothering us lol).
10-22-2006 02:24 AM
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