O.P. [Request] In-convo status-viewer
I was just wondering, if it's possible to make an in-convo status viewer, like just basically show an image in the convo window's formatting bar depending on the other person's status. For example, a green dot to show that the other person is online, orange if they are away/busy/on the phone/etc, and red iff they're offline.
From what I understand of msgplus Live scripting can do, this shouldn't be impossible to do, should it?
Well, if anyone would be nice enough to create such a thing, i've included images for the 'lights' if you don't feel like doing them yourself. Of course, i whipped them up in a few seconds on photoshop, so they're not that great, but it's better than just solid colours ^^"
Attachment: lights.rar (1.92 KB)
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