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single connection and mutli-msn connections
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O.P. single connection and mutli-msn connections
I'v been tryin to use the multi-"msn" Polygamy thing but it doesnt seem to want to connect for me.

I have the one on msg plus live turned on, i'v also patched my live with mess-patch. I can get the 2 lives to open but only 1 will connect and the other just keeps trying to sign in.

Any idea y this could be? Could it be my router and i need to set it up to allow it?
I'v used it before on the older msn's without any problem and i just noticed it wouldnt work for me on Live the other day when i was trying to let my gf to log on.

Its also kind of weird cause i closed my msn and let her log in but it wouldnt connect under her name either for the past 3-4 days..she had to go on windows msg'r for it to actually connect. But when she has tried it at my sisters house it connects right away for her.
Any idea's why this could be?
11-05-2006 05:01 PM
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RE: single connection and mutli-msn connections
This doesn't sound like a Messenger Plus! problem, but more like a problem with that particular account.

Nope, you don't need to set your router to anything to allow multiple MSN Messengers to run. They all use the same connection anyways.

But do note that patching Messenger can cause unwanting side-effects. Although, if you just patched it with MessPatch to allow for polygamy (multi-msn), it shouldn't affect anything.

Try to sign in with that other account without using a secondary Messenger. Does it work then?

You may also try these instructions to try and fix that secondary account (your girlfriend's account?).

Iether way, I doubt this has anything todo with Messenger Plus! or MessPatch. However, you can test this out by using only one of the two and by using neither:
- To use only Messenger Plus!'s polygamy: reinstall or repear Messenger
- To use only MessPatch's polygamy: uninstall Messenger Plus!Live
.-= A 'frrrrrrrituurrr' for Wacky =-.
11-05-2006 05:19 PM
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O.P. RE: single connection and mutli-msn connections
Its like not a HUGE deal just found it weird.
never had the problems before with older msn's but just noticed them the other day for the first time with msg live.

Just a pain listenin to her complain about how its not connectin like its my fault, then havin to load windows msg'r for her hahaha

thanks for the reply i'll take a look at the link u sent me
11-05-2006 05:37 PM
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