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Messenger Plus! list cleaner vs delete checker
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O.P. Messenger Plus! list cleaner vs delete checker
i know this subject has been going on and on forever, but i tried and didn't found the response i was looking for.

I wanted to know which people had been deleting me so i can delete them. I went on 2 sites of delete check and got the same answer.

Now, when i go on wheter the reverse list (confidentiality - privacy - view) or in the allow list, right-click on the name and try to click on delete, i can't. Which is supposed to mean i am still on their list...

So, with plus! there's the list cleaner which is supposed to tell you if you are on the list or not. Still, it says i am on their list (the supposed person who has deleted me ).

I wanted to know if msn and Messenger Plus! are 100% accurate when it comes to this? I know block checkers are not supposed to work, but it gave me the same answer so..i kind of thought it was true..

(i use windows live messenger with plus!
and i would rather not download anything to check)

and also, answers from msn are up to date? for example, if someone deleted me, but readded me a week ago, will it appear like i am on their list as of today? or it takes a while to refresh the list?

THANK YOU :) (and sorry for the bad english)
11-06-2006 06:24 AM
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RE: Messenger Plus! list cleaner vs delete checker
The reply to your question is that Messenger Plus! is as accurante as Messenger can be and normally, the reverse list is supposed to be completely accurate as Messenger bases some of its functionnalities on it.

From my own experience, the reverse list does not always update properly live, however, signing-out and signing back in generally refreshes it, even if the contact deleted you or added you only a minute ago.
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11-06-2006 04:37 PM
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